You sighed in relaxation and pressed the power button on the remote control.

You had put in Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope earlier that evening, you knew you both would end up watching a movie and it was a perfect choice. Michael loved Star Wars. He had a huge life-sized Darth Vader action figure that scared you half to death when you first saw it.

You sat there starring at the TV as the movie settings flashed. You looked at the clock that was on the side table. It was 7:00PM, Michael was bound to be home any moment. You smiled at the thought of seeing your fiancé.

Minutes later you heard the front door creak open. You stood up rapidly at the sound, which caused you to become light headed. You didn't pay it much mind and made your way down the front hallway.You walked down the hallway with your vision impaired by blackness and white spots. Luckily, you were no longer light headed once you reached the front entry.

Michael's jaw dropped at the sight of you.

"My god (Y/N), you get more gorgeous by the second" he said in a breathy tone. "And this dress," he said as he grabbed a hand full of the dress's fabric. "Is gorgeous, it fits you in all right places, my love. How come I haven't seen it?" he questioned as he looked at you with so much admiration in his eyes.

Your stomach flipped at the sight. You felt butterflies in your stomach when you looked at him, just like you did 6 years prior when you first laid eyes on his fine self. Those chocolatey brown eyes always held so much emotion, and when they were directed at you, they were full of love. It drove you crazy.

"Because tonight is a special occasion, fiancé" you said before you wrapped your arms around his slim frame and pulled him in for a warm embrace. You rested your head on his shoulder as he rubbed the small of your back.

Michael pulled away from the embrace and put both of his hands on either side of you. "Do you have a lot planned for tonight, (Y/N)?" he asked. You nodded. "Do any of the plans include food..because I'm starving" he said as he took one of his hands off of your arm and rubbed his belly.

You turned around and grabbed onto his hand. "The food is in the living room" you said as you led him out of the hallway. "It's your favorite" you added, as you turned to look at him.

Once you were both in the living room- Michael ran towards the couch. He dropped himself onto the cushion and reached into the KFC bucket. By the time you had sat down, Michael was already finished his first chicken breast.

"Slow down baby, indigestion is no joke" you laughed as you reached into the bucket. "You got me my favourite baby, I cant help it" he said as he leaned in and kissed your cheek. You moved away from him and wiped your cheek. "Eek! Michael you're greasy!" you said in disgust, between chuckles.

"Sorry, baby" Michael laughed as he reached for a napkin and wiped his mouth. Once he finished cleaning himself, his gaze went upwards.

He gasped at the sight of the TV. "And you got Star Wars on, man.. I lucked out" he breathed before kissing your cheek once again.

"No, I lucked out with such an amazing man like you" you said as you caressed his jaw with your thumb. "Naah" he responded with his mouth full. You turned your head away from the sight. "Ghee.. Mike, way to ruin the moment" you laughed.

After your 4th piece of chicken- you were full. You leaned back into the couch, as you clutched onto your bloated stomach. Michael looked at you with a curious expression. "Done already?" he asked in disbelief. "If I eat anymore I wont be able to eat dessert, not mention being able to fit in my dress tomorrow" you responded.

Michael put down his 6th piece of chicken and turned his body to face yours. "I should stop too so I can fit into my suit" he smiled. You chuckled and scooted your self next to him. "You could never gain weight," you said with your lips hovered above his. "You're the skinniest Jackson" you said before giving him a quick peck. When you pulled away Michael had a pout on and his arms were folded.

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