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Another tag!

This tag is going around and a lot of people tagged whoever was reading it. I think lightofthelast, LevyHome, and TolkienFan43 are the ones who did this. 

(Correct me if I'm wrong, though!)

Anywho, onto the tag.

1. Any scars?

One on each knee. When I was little, I had this bad habit of falling off my scooter and scraping my knees up on the sidewalk all the time. Also, last week I accidentally wrecked a four wheeler (don't ask) and it nearly flipped over on top of me (My leg got partially caught under one of the wheels but there were no serious injuries) and I scraped up my arm pretty bad. I wouldn't be surprised if it left a scar.

2. Who do you like?

Romantically? Or platonically? I'm gonna go with platonically. My best friend whom I have officially named YoYo, my other best friend who shall remain unnamed, my brothers and sisters, parents, grandparents, a couple other friends from church...basically everyone I know xD

3. Kissed anyone?

On the lips? Never. On the cheek, probably only my parents and the unnamed best friend. And my cat. Actually, I am affectionate with my cat more often that with my family xD

4. Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi all the way. I am seriously concerned about the destiny of the souls of people who drink coke.

5. Someone you hate?

You see, I find it very hard to hate people and have a bad habit of giving people unlimited chances even if they keep hurting me and others. But one person I really don't like is this girl who, a while back, I considered my "best friend" who was really controlling, deceitful, and overall a really horrible person to be around. She ruined a lot of relationships I had with friends and others and basically lied about me and my family to others because people gave her sympathy and attention for it. I really don't like her. She occasionally texts still, but not as much as she used to. But part of me still believes she could change. Idk. I'm torn about whether or not I should completely cut off all communication with her, or keep an open mind about the whole thing.

6. Best friends?

The aforementioned Yoyo, my biggest bestie and quite possibly the best person in the world (Even if she's obsessed with her chickens (her babies) and her alfalfa garden, the two things she talks about the most. You'll make a great farmer, Yoyo) and my other best friend (who's a guy) who lives halfway across the country. You're hilarious, dude.

On Wattpad, if I've ever talked to you, I consider you a great  friend :D. I don't want to list them all here cuz I'm tired and scared I'll forget someone xD

7. Dream job?

Acting and filmmaking. I love the idea of bringing fictional worlds to life onscreen. Working with amazing people, traveling and see new places, just the art of acting itself is amazing and definitely my dream career. I plan on pursuing it, unless between now and then God reveals other plans :) Of course, I love writing and definitely plan on continuing it, as either a hobby or, if by God's will, a career. Art is another passion of mine, though I doubt I'll ever get into it as a career. Acting, Film, and writing are my top three :D

8. Ever been in love?

Well now here's the thing. If you've never been in love, how are you supposed to know if it's love and not just a crush? I haven't crushed on anyone since elementary school (unless crushing on this dude for like two weeks at a summer camp when I was 13 counts xD) I have feelings for someone, but they aren't the fluttery lovey-dovey obsessed kind. It's calmer. I don't get crazy butterflies when I'm near him. It's just, peaceful. But he's on my mind all the freaking time. and I won't deny the fact I enjoy his company XD idk. Probably just going through a stupid teenager phase or something xD 

9. Last time you cried?

Last night. I had an anxiety attack. *shudders* those are no fun, guys.

10. Favorite colors?

Minty green, Lavender, and raspberry purple.

11. Height?

5'2 1/2". Though I might be 5'3" now. The last time I check was about six months ago, and my mom is convinced I've gotten taller since then. 

12. Birthday?

April. April 20, actually. (The same day as Hitler DDX) if I had been born five days earlier, I could've shared a birthday with Corrie ten Boom, one of my role models. But oh, well xD

13. Eye color? 

Dark brown. sometimes a goldish-light brown.

14. Hair color?

Plain brown most of the time, though sometimes it looks reddish or a dark blonde.

15. What do you love?

Tolkien, books, Wattpad, my giant stuffed dog I sleep with every night, cats, horses, cool knives, notebooks, gospel music, drawing, not doing sports unless it's boating, kayaking, fishing, horseback riding or archery, and my bed. And food. Pepsi and coffee too, my fuels. And my laptop, for writing. Did I mention Tolkien? Also Star Trek. And Merlin. And Marvel. And Batman, the only DC superhero I really like. And corn mazes. And cosplay, even though I've never cosplayed. And this really yummy Mexican restaurant 15 minutes away from our house that I wish I could go to right now xD

16. Obsession?

Right now? My original novels, the Merilthien Chronicles. Also drawing and Pinterest. And Tolkien, though it's a bit toned down then what is was a couple months ago xD And Merlin.

17. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?

That our barn would magically fix itself up and horses would magically appear xD 

18. Do you love someone?

Uh, see questions 2 and 8.

19. Kiss or hug?

Hugs. I don't mind kisses (on the cheek) from my parents, but kisses from anyone else, like, eeeeeew. just...blegh. But Hugs, I love hugs! Hugs all around! *hugs you all*

20. Nicknames people call you?

YoYo calls me Kale (Don't ask lol) my uncle has this habit of, when talking to me, referring to my by my first name and middle name. My brothers and sisters call me Sissy. On here, Azalea is what I tend to be known as. It's my unofficial internet name XD

Since I don't know who all been tagged for this, if you have made it all the way to the bottom, consider yourself tagged ;)



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