Adventuring With Villainous Chaps

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M'kay, Y'all.

It's two in the morning and I am bright eyed and bushy tailed.

If only I felt this active when I was doing my math homework earlier.

Anywho, I'm here to inform you all of this story I read recently called "Adventuring with Villainous Chaps". It's written by this gal, Sarah, and basically, it's genius. No, really.

Here's the description of it on her blog.

A young girl named Sarah Demens is unexpectedly kidnapped by four villainous visitors, known as The Master, Jim Moriarty, Bane and The Joker-- who happen to be fictional characters. Mistaken for the Character Queen, a mysterious figure who's aid they hope will allow them to get revenge on their enemies, she strikes up a deal to travel with them on their T.A.R.D.I.S. and pose as the Queen in order to see other worlds. Little does she know that her coming adventures will change her life.. forever.

It's not your typical "Girl falls into fictional world" story. It's so much better. Her Character - Sarah Demens - comes in contact with so many worlds and so many characters, and ultimately is forced to change entire storylines for the good of the entire universe.

I can't even explain how good this story is without spoiling it.

You can read the first five chapters here on Wattpad, but really, it's an entirely different experience if you read it on her blog, here at

The writer of this story has no idea who I am or that I am even writing this. I just wanted to let anyone who's interested know of a fabulous story that I highly recommend anyone to read.

Oh, and it's clean; The author's a Christian, so no need to worry about anything unexpected popping up.

Just, go read it for Pete's sake.

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