The Minds

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Nooooo. Why do we have to have the nappy hair? Why do we have to be the ghetto ones? Why does my skin not make me qualified? Why is it so important that I can't talk with my accent to the "most important"? Why is a word that colored people use most often in there mind. Cause we have to get all these non important questions that we can't respond to because we'll be ghetto. Like WHY IS YOUR HAIR SO POOFY? Or WHY DO YOU TALK LIKE THAT? Don't you guys think that it's annoying to hear the same thing. Our minds want to be like yours. Not thinking about what the next Caucasian is going to ask me or tell me next about the body that I have. Don't you think I already know that my skin HAS MELANIN. Maybe you don't but let me tell you a little something I learned. In your minds you want what we have. In your minds you admire the fact that we get attention. In your minds you appreciate the fact we stand tall after all you put us through. In your minds you want us to feel we are suffering from you telling us about us. But no in our minds we know what you want us to be. In our minds we strive to get what we need. In our minds we notice that we have to try 3x harder to have the things that you have. We realized that we are the hard workers. We actually have to go through many processes just to get something. All you have to do is ask and it's given. We were taught NOTHING IS GIVEN YOU EARN IT. You were taught ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. See there's a difference. Our quote goes towards you when you waste everything you have. Your quote goes towards us when we're at grandmas house and hungry. So do you understand how The Minds of us are different. Now there are similarities because not all Caucasians or what ever you want to say grew up wealthy or in a good neighborhood. They also have to strive like us. So yes we do realize there are also Caucasians that are like us but they are able to be accepted. We have to make ourselves look a certain to fit your "genre". But either way it goes it's still The Minds.

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