Chapter 9

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"What's this?" Jace asked, when he walked out of the bathroom. Simon was holding a small, At least, it looked like a gift. It was wrapped in a silver wrapping paper.

"It's uh, for you?" Simon said weakly. It had been exactly a year when Jace had followed him to the park that night he had his session with Lily. "A year ago, you...I mean...damn it, Jace, just take it. I'm not good at this stuff."

Jace smiled and sat next to him. "I remember. Has it been a year already?"

"Well, I can hardly believe it myself." Simon said. Since he and Jace got together, his episodes were few and far between. He didn't know if it was Jace himself or he was just...happier.

"You are a dork." Jace said, fondly, bumping shoulders with him. "Thank you."

"Open it." Simon said. "Simon says 'Open it'."

Jace rolled his eyes and unwrapped the gift. "A CD?" Jace sounded confused and Simon laughed. "Not just any CD. Just, don't laugh at me, OK?"

Jace opened the plastic case and a note fell out. Simon suddenly felt the need to flee. He had asked Gretel how he could tell Jace how he felt about him.

"I can't just tell him." He had whined. "That ship has sailed."

"You could sing it." She had suggested. "Or go old school. Give him a mix tape. The guy is in love with you already, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I mean it, it's almost sickening how into you he is."

"Hey, be nice." Simon had laughed.

"Wow." Jace breathed. "Simon..."

"I-I didn't just want to say it, you know." Simon said quickly. "I wanted to make it different and seeing as you love it when I sing, I just-"

Jace's lips cut him off as he kissed him hard. OK, that's a great reaction.

"I take it you liked it?" Simon breathed.

"This is the sweetest and cheesiest thing anyone has ever given me." Jace said, holding the note. "For the record, I know. You are pretty easy to read."

"I'm not!" Simon protested, but he was smiling.

It was a list of songs he recorded for Jace. All of them covers of his favorite love songs and one that he wrote himself.

We both know I'm too chicken to tell you how I really feel.

I love you, Jonathan Christopher Wayland.

(I fullnamed you, so you know I mean it)

"You are a fucking dork." Jace said, kissing him again. "I love you."

"I'm your fucking dork." Simon said with a smirk. 


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