Chapter 5

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Jace heard voices coming from outside Simon's room. He turned to see Simon was not in bed with him.

"So how long?" he heard Simon's voice. It was shaky. "What did she say?"

"She wants to see you." He heard Magnus say. "Something about making amends. She's into this finding herself shit."

"Funny." Simon said darkly. "I'm not going to see her. I'm in a great place right now and I'd like to remain that way."

"Is that Jace's jacket?" he heard Alec's voice.

"No, that's..." he heard Simon sigh. "OK, I can't pull that off. Yes, it's his." Jace covered his face and stifled a hysterical giggle.

"Where is he?" Alec asked, "I have been calling him for hours. He turned off his phone."

"He's asleep." Simon said.

"What?" Magnus said "Wait, what? Jace...? Simon..."

Jace stood up and put on his jeans before stepping out of Simon's room. He had to bite his cheek to stop himself laughing at the look on Alec's face.

"How long has this been going on?" Magnus asked.

"A few months." Jace and Simon said together.

"Jace, you are an ass." Alec said. "Why didn't you pick my calls?"

"I was...busy?" Jace said and Simon cackled.

"Sorry. Sorry." Simon said.

"Simon, we'll talk tomorrow." Magnus said. "Think about the c-Camille situation."

"Oh, that's settled." Simon said, smiling. "I'm not going. Tell her to leave me alone."

"Real mature, Lewis." Alec said, but he smiled. "Jace, you and me tomorrow. You know where."

"What is this, the O.K. corral?" Simon asked. Magnus rolled his eyes and then he and Alec left.

Simon was chewing his bottom lip when Jace turned to look at him. "So, Camille?"

"My ex." Jace waited for more. He went and sat next to him, nudging his shoulder. "Hey. Talk to me."

"She-She is the devil." Simon said, finally. "Like the actual devil. She destroyed me."

"And she wants to come back?" Jace asked.

"Who knows with her?" Simon leaned against Jace. "I really don't have the energy or mental capacity to deal with Camille."

"You don't have to." Jace said. He looked at the time. A little after ten. "Why don't I make you dinner?"

"You aren't just a pretty face, are you?" Simon laughed.


"A few months?" Magnus hissed. "You have been seeing Jace for a few months and..."

"Well, it was my idea to keep it under wraps." Simon said. "I started out as just sex, so..."

Magnus looked at him. "I'll have to hand it to you, Simon." He leaned back, "I didn't know you had it in you. Jace, yeah. But you? Not in a million years."

"That's not fair." Simon said. "He was understanding about the whole depression thing and he met Lily. She said he was good for me..."

"Lily?" Magnus asked. "Who...what else have you been keeping from us, Simon?"

Simon sighed. "My therapist. Lily is my therapist."

The look of hurt and anger crossed Magnus face before he nodded, his face a mask. "I see. So how long have you been seeing this therapist?"

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