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"I'm soo excited~ I'm so excited~" I said handing Jean a red shirt that had its sleeves cut off.

"This shirt will show off most of my torso from the side" Jean said.

"I know, it will also show off your little muscles" I said.

"Hey my muscles aren't little" Jean said.

I giggled "I know I'm just teasing you. Would you rather have me say 'show off your large nicely defined muscles'?"

"Uh yeah" Jean said.

"Oh.. anyway put it on" I said.

Jean rolled his eyes and took off his shirt then quickly replaced it with the other one "Do you want me to take my pants off too?"

"No, the ones your wearing are nice" I said. "Just put this belt on, I bought it for you" I handed him a belt with bullets around it and a few chains hanging off of it.

"Fine" He said and put the belt on. "now are you going to get ready or are you wearing that?" Jean asked.

"No I'm changing" I said "should I wear pants or a skirt?" I asked.

"Pants, I dont want some random guy trying to reach up your skirt" He said.

I rolled my eyes "Ok"

"Also its cold.." Jean said.

"Now that was a better response" I said. "I'm going to change in my closet, if you try going in I'll kick your ass"

"Haha ok" Jean smirked.

I went into my closet and changed into red skinny jeans, black combat boots and a black fish net long sleeve and a black strapless bra underneath. I walked out of the closet.

"What the hell?! No you're not wearing that!" Jean said.

"Why not?" I asked tilting my head to the side "you should really be more quiet my mum might hear you"

Jean hushed his voice "Because it is completely see through, I can see your bra and cleavage and your belly. Your not wearing that" He said sternly.

I glared at him "Fine, I'll change" I said and went back in the closet. I took off my shirt and changed my bra to a lacey black one with straps then I put on a black flowy tank top with skulls on it. I came back out "better?"

"I can still see a lot of cleavage" Jean said.

"Deal with it, I'm not changing again" I went to my jewelry box and put on a few bracelets that matched. I put on thicker eyeliner for a more Gothic look. "Ok let's go" I said walking over to my window.

"You're not going through the front door?" Jean asked.

"I'm sneaking out" I said smirking.

Jean smirked walking over "Oh what a bad girl" he said and bit my earlobe.

"Shut up" I said and crawled out of the window with my bag.


"Finally we're here" Jean said as I parked. "a bit early though don't you think? Starts at 9 doesn't it?"

"Yeah but we got backstage so we needed to be an hour early" I said getting out of the car.

"Oh ok" Jean said.

"Look there's already a line of people waiting to get in" I said and walked with him to go in.

"Do you have backstage passes" The security guy asked.

"Yeah" I nodded and handed him the tickets. He scanned them then gave them back and also two lanyards that had back stage pass on it. "awesome" I smiled and gave one to Jean.

Trapped in Hell (Jeanxoc)Where stories live. Discover now