I AM (the Blurb)

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  When Vander Divino died during their mission, Zirr Pusa's mind changes since then. He denounce himself because of the untimely loss of his best friend. He wanted to get suicide leaving Jamie and Zaphfyl behind. 

The death of Vander teaches him to fulfill their unchanged and unsuccessful mission long time ago. Even before the time was created. 

 Their destiny, together with the five cruisers, a heavenly creatures in flesh, enlightened themselves. 

 Hada Legion has her own agenda, to conquered the Philippines and the entire world. Even in the heart of Zirr. Worshiped her and becomes pet of her kingdom. Even-though it's in her will, to preserve the destiny until the world's New Order was achieved. 

 Year 2520 where the Philippines, a small cuddling human- shaped country struggles to head the world into discovering themselves. It helps them reach into the Era of the New Order through the Phivolts ∆© robot.Or at least, leading them into the sure pit full of everlasting perdition through the intervention of the Dzaba Destroyer.  

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