Emily's Melody

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During the rising of the sun
Up on a grassy hill
Sitting under the trunk
Of the well known hollow tree
A black figure can be seen
Swaying in rythm with the surrounding weeds

Upon further inspection
One can see
That it's none other
Than a young teen
A girl to be exact
With a pair of headphones placed on top of her head
Her eyes closed but she definitely wasn't at rest
She was humming
Humming the tune that was probably blasting in her ears
Than without any warning she opened her petite mouth
And let out a beautiful Melody
With her stunning voice

I had jumped when she started singing
Landing on my back in the overgrown theeds
This caused the girl to open her eyes
My gaze meeting her soft green irises
She gave me a small and welcoming smile

'Do you usually come her?' I asked
She gave me a small nod
She released one side of her headphones
Causing the melody the girl was singing
To erupt out of it
The sound bouncing off anything It could
And she said with the quietest voices
'Cause spirits deserve to hear melodies to'

I thought at the time that girl was loony
But It didn't faze me
Every day right before the sun would rise
I'd meet her under that lush Green Hill
Her name I learned to be 'Emily'

And every sun rise
We'd sit under the tree and she'd sing
After a while I started to join her
And I realized it was a much better feeling
Than anything I'd felt in a long time
It felt like everything was at peace

But one day
One day I came to our waiting place
I had gone on a trip and hadn't been there for a week
Emily was no where to be seen
I waited for an hour
Before I decided to check up the hill
I wished I hadn't that day
But I was also glad I did

When I reached the top of the hill
I looked over to where Emily
Was usually perched right under the tree
But all I was met with was a headstone
A headstone that had:

"Emily Pines. Born 8/7/200X-Died 4/5/20XX
Cause of death. Cancer. We wish her a safe welcoming for all the time she spent singing"

I then looked up to see a letter pinned on the tree
It was from Emily
And it was addressed to me
It said 'Continue on. I'll be there to cheer you on'
I cracked a small smile
But didn't hide the tears that started rolling out of my eyes

I then sat down right next to Emily's headstone
And I sang the song
The melody I had memorized for so long
And now I do it everyday for Emily's sake
And I swear everytime. I can feel her sitting right next to me
Singing the melody that was well known all thanks to Emily


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