A Death in the family (5)

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August's POV, a week later

As I pulled the ringing phone out of my jacket pocket, I sighed. The call was from my mother. I released another aggravated sigh and answered.

" hello?"

" Auggie? Is that actually you? Or is it that secretary of yours?"

" it's me, Mother. What do you need?"

" oh good! I was hoping it wasn't the secretary. Juliet? Is that her name? She seems so sweet, and I was afraid her voice had broken or something."

I was starting to get annoyed.

" mother, what do you want?"

" oh, yes. I just wanted to let you know that Aunt Maylee has passed away."

I felt my heart stop.

" what? Why- what happened?!"

I heard my mothers voice speak in a muffled way, as though she had moved the phone away from her face to speak. When she had placed the device where it belonged she spoke once more.

" well, we told you that she had heart cancer, didn't we?"

I sucked in a breath as I remembered the email from near to a month ago my father had sent me. Oh, Aunt May, I am so sorry... I felt tears begin to well in my eyes as the emotions of what I had just learned came rolling over me. Aunt Maylee had been my only support as a child, always funding my expeditions to museums and art classes. She had been the only one to understand me, in a world where My brother had been the people pleaser, and I the  odd perfectionist that loved to draw. I realized that my mother was speaking to me from the other side of the phone. I took in a breath and tried to compose myself.

"Yes, thank you mother. Give my love to Father, and if you see Daxon, give it to him as well."

" well, he's right here, so if you wat to talk to hi-?"

" no! No, that's fine. Goodbye."

" buh bye!"

I looked around the room, and it was completely empty. I placed my hand over my eyes and My body weakened. I started to cry, the sobs racking my body and choking me. It seemed to go on and on until I heard a slight knock. I took a deep breath and sighed, willing my body to become calm again. I coughed and answered the knock with a, " come in." Beth walked into the room and I saw the shock in her eyes as she saw my tear stained face.

" what happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? If they did, I can guarantee, they will never see the light of day, you can be sure of that."

I felt a bolt of affection for the short girl fill my stomach. She was so small and fragile, yet she was willing to fight someone if she thought they had harmed me. A smile cracked across my lips, despite my situation.

" oh, no I don't think that will be necessary. It's just, a dear relative has just passed on, and it was sudden."

No it wasn't. Don't lie to her, or yourself. Beth's eyes widened with shock and sadness. She had such expressive eyes, and I couldn't help but feel attracted to them.

" oh, that's awful! I'm so sorry, sir. If there's anything I can do, let me know."

" thank you, and, call me August, please."

Her face became a slight pinkish color and I soon noticed mine had too.

" but, um, would you mind grabbing me some tea from the café down the walk? It might calm me a bit."

Beth shot up and turned to the door to go, but stopped half way, turning to me with those beautiful eyes.

" um, I know you're going to hear this sooo much, but I really am sorry, and I want you to know that, even when the best people leave us, we always have someone that cares for us."

She blushed again and ran out the door. Half a second later her head was poking back in.

" I'm sorry, what kind of tea was that? Chai, green, Black.."

" oh, whatever. I love all tea, so it doesn't matter. Maybe just Get your favorite?"

" yeah sure. Be right back!"

And just like that she was gone again. She was an odd little bug, but I noticed a slight tugging my stomach whenever I saw her. And her eyes! I love her eyes! I glanced at the door, maybe hoping she would be there again. No, August. There's no way anyone would love you for who you really are. A cynic, and a cruel one at that. I sighed. But no one will ever see my imagination, Will they? as I closed my eyes and let myself dream of holding hands with the cute little intern I thought I was falling for.

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