"which one?"

"about your engagement?"

but now, it was soon's turn to outsmart him. "you never asked anything about that. you only made a statement hyungwon-ssi."

a smirk was drawn on his full lips. maybe after all, he enjoyed being challenged like that. maybe it was exciting for him.

"well... would you look at that – he said curiously, narrowing his eyes – dr. park barks and bites after all." soon looked at him confused.

"you're right. i didn't ask anything... - he remained silent for a second and she noticed his eyes traveled down and up again though her sitting figure – but i am doing it now... tell me dr. park, are you happy about your engagement?" his voice was somehow seductive. it changed the tone of it, being more charming even though his big and dark eyes still looked menacing.

in that second, she prayed for hyunwoo to walk in, saying it was time for them to finish their therapy session.

but the moment never came.

she glanced nervously at the clock on the wall and realized they still had a long 15 minutes ahead.

"that's personal." was the only thing she could say. cursing herself for such a vague answer. she couldn't understand why was only that, what came out of her lips.

she was sure happy about getting married with her long time lover and she loved the idea too.

but the patient only laughed. "please... be honest. i promise i won't tell." he said leaning softly towards her, looking at her with cautious eyes.

she sighed. "i am happy about my engagement. it's what i've wanted since years now. i love my fiancé and i don't need to answer these personal questions to you, my patient." she said in an outburst.

maybe she sounded less professional than she should have. but she only realized afterwards. after she raised her tone and just when she noticed hyungwon's or this identity's eyes shining with both mischievousness and accomplishment.

it had been what he wanted all along. he wanted to provoke her, to make her lose her temple just to prove that he could and he managed to.

she realized only when it was late. she stood from the chair and sighed, giving her back to her patient since she couldn't face him.

she couldn't believe she had talked to him like that, in that tone.

whoever who saw her for the first time, could have thought she was just an amateur who knew nothing about keeping her temper locked inside while being in a therapy session.

she tried to control her breathing as she gave her back to him, somehow trying to avoid his piercing eyes.

but it was her number 1 mistake.

only when her head tied the wires, she quickly turned around with a scared face, only to find him standing only a few centimeters away.

his towering figure managed to intimidate her and she quickly and instinctively took a step back but his big hands, that were now loose, grabbed both of her forearms and he kept her still, close to him.

his eyes fixed on her as if he was a predator. a tiger staring at a deer, hungry and thirsty of blood.

she felt her heart as if it was to come out of her chest at any minute and in her mind crossed the thought of him eating it raw from the floor.

the way he looked at her, in detail, as if he wanted to just stare at her deeply, provided with the coldest goosebumps.

she was about to scream for hyunwoo's when he closed his eyes and leaned forward, close to her hair.

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