Ochaco: "Y/N you coming?"

Y/N: "Yeah just thought I saw something."

I catch up with her and we start heading to Midoriya. Why is she here? Maybe they are planning an attack or something? But with this much people here? I don't think they would. We were getting close to Midoriya and I see the guy kinda choking him so I create a dark ball as I am walking behind Ochaco.

Ochaco: "Deku? A friend...? No... Get your hands off him..."

Midoriya: "It's nothing! I'm fine! So don't come close!"

???: "Oh, you had a friend with you? Sorry 'bout that. I'm off, then. If you try following me, I'll get angry."

He walks by Ochaco but then notices that I have a dark ball and I swing it at him only for the dark ball to disappear. What the fuck just happened?

Cloaked Guy: "You should really not attack people in public, Y/N L/N."

Where the fuck is he? I can hear him but I don't see him.

Y/N: "Where the...?"

He just keeps walking.

Ochaco: "Y/N? Deku!"

Midoriya: "Wait, Tomura Shigaraki!"

So that's his name.

Ochaco: "Shigaraki...?"

Midoriya: "What is All For One after?"

Shigaraki: "Who knows? More importantly, two of you should be careful. The next time we meet will likely be when I have decided to kill you two."

He walks and a crowd of people surround him so it was hard to see him now.

Y/N: "Midoriya are you alright?"

Midoriya: "I'm fine."

I look past him and see the blue haired girl waving at me.

Ochaco: "We need to report this!"

Y/N: "You guys do that. I have something I need to deal with."

Midoriya: "You aren't going after him are you?"

Y/N: "I'm not going after him. It's something else. I'll see you guys later."

I walk towards the blue haired girl.

Blue Haired Girl: "Hi Y/N!"

Y/N: "What do you want?"

Akari: "Can I not hang out with my favorite person? Come on let's go for a walk. Oh by the way my name is Akari."

Y/N: "Well you already know who I am so it's good to know your name unlike that cloaked fuck."

Akari: "You don't seem to like him."

Y/N: "Well he did try to kill me so yeah I don't like him. Are you here with him? I heard him say something to me earlier but I couldn't see him."

Akari: "We are both here but I'm here for a different reason compared to why he's here."

Y/N: "So the reason you are here is because you just want to talk to me?"

Akari: "Correct! You just earned yourself a hug!"

Y/N: "Don't even hug me. You are a villain so I still don't trust you."

Akari: "Awww but I give good hugs."

Y/N: "No. It's hard to believe you are a villain."

Akari: "When we leave the mall I'll explain somethings to you."

"Elemental Control" (Boku No Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now