Maybe Michael was right

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Okay here is an's short and it's crap but I needed to get through this lul. The next chapter will be better I promise!!!

"A tirangle! Two triangles! Three triangles!" Alexa yelled trying desperately to guess what Ashton was drawing.

"Triangles with string?" Alexa frowned.

"Times up and that's clearly a bikini." Jade said as the last of the sand timer ran out.

"Oh, yeah I can see that now." Ashton pushed the paper towards Charley and grabbed the timer.

"Your turn."

Charley grabbed a card and immediately began drawing.

"A sand castle." Jade said quickly.

"Yep." Charley grabbed another card.

"A bird? A seal? A penguin."

"Yes!" Charley grinned grabbing another card.

"A tv? An apple product. An I phone. Oh oh and Ipod!"


"Times up." Ashton said trying to hide the jealousy that coursed through him as Charley and Jade hugged out their victory.

"Okay, Claire and Michael next." Ashton said flipping the timer. Michael immediately began drawing. After their turn it was Luke and Calum's. The game went on for about an hour until Jade and Charley won.

"That was so much fun!" Alexa giggled.

"A blast." Ashton said less than enthused.

"I'm gonna take Alexa home. See you guys later."

"Bye guys!" Alexa waved happily. Everyone waved their goodbyes.

"I should get going as well I have an early morning." Charley smiled before gripping Jade in a large hug. Ashton forced himself to look away as Jade giggled in Charley's grasp. It took everything in him not to make a smart ass remark but he promised Jade he'd fix this. But ignoring her would be impossible.

Michael watched as Ashton turned away with a pained expression. Luckily Alexa didn't seem to notice. He so badly wanted to know how the conversation between Jade and Ashton went but hadn't had the chance to ask either one of them.

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