Do I know her?

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Okay guys here's the next part. Hope you like it!!! Love ya!!!

Jade smiled over at Ashton who was looking down at his hands.

"I think it's cute." Jade spoke up when Ashton didn't look up.

"What?" Ashton asked looking up from his hands to Jade. He couldn't help but admire the smile on her face. How he loved that smile.

"You and Claire." Jade responded nodding towards the redheads closed door.

"I really don't. I was just-" Jade cut Ashton off.

"It's okay you're secret is safe with me. I think you two would be adorable together." Jade winked. Ashton felt himself frown just as a door behind him opened.

"Okay, I'm ready." Ashton looked over to see Clarissa in a low cut black dress that reached her mid thigh. It was a simple dress so it wasn't too dressy but it was cute enough that she didn't looked under dressed.

"Great, let's go." Ashton turned and did his best to avoid Jade's accusing eyes and cheeky grin.

At the restaurant Ashton's nerves still hadn't subsided. He wasn't even sure what to do or say. He mostly stayed quiet as Jade and Clarissa talked. He just needed to get through tonight.

"You're awfully quiet Ashton." Jade said giving Ashton a knowing smile. Ashton groaned internally, she really did think he had something for Clarissa.

"I'm sorry." Ashton shrugged.

"Okay, what's wrong? Everyone always talks about how talkative and funny you are." Clarissa folded her hands over her chest.

"I guess I just don't know what to say." Ashton shrugged. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Okay, how about this. We ask you questions and you have to answer. The less detail you give the more personal the questions get." Clarissa grinned mischievously. Jade laughed.

"Okay, ask away." Ashton could handle a few personal questions. It would make time pass and he could talk to Clarissa easily enough. It was a distraction from the gorgeous brunette.

"Alright, what is your favorite thing about each of the guys?" Clarissa asked starting easy.

"Ummm, well Luke is pretty much the best friend you could ever ask for. He's always there when you need him. Calum is always up for doing something stupid. Like this one time I convinced him to go to a girls volleyball game and cheer on the sidelines with me until we got kicked out." Ashton laughed at the memory.

Jade and Clarissa laughed along. Their plan was working.

"And Michael is the one that keeps me grounded. I keep the rest of the guys grounded but sometimes I need a good smack on the head and Michael is great for that. Plus he kicks butt at any video game." Ashton smiled.

"Okay what's you're least favorite thing about each of them?" Jade asked this time.

"I have a feeling that whatever I say is going to get back to them." Ashton chuckled nervously.

"Nope, what is said stays at this table." Clarissa shook her head.

"Alright, well Calum tends to get on my nerves the most only because he doesn't always know when to stop. Michael always eats everything even if it's not his. And Luke is just the messiest all around." Ashton chuckled again.

"I agree with the Luke part." Jade chimed in with a smile.

"Alright, have you ever dated any of the boys ex's?" Clarissa asked.

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