Crushing | Chapter 6

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I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I've been trying to add chapters as fast as possible. I might not be able to post soon, so I will try and get as far as I can before that.

Dipper was watching Bill eat, still trying to wrap his head around why the dream demon effected his thoughts and feelings so much.

There was only one possibility.

Dipper was trying to deny it, dismiss it, seeing as how he wanted it to be false.

He was hopelessly in love with this demon.

With a frown, Dipper flopped down onto his bed, closing his eyes to mentally scold himself. After he finished scolding himself, he took out the journal and tried to skim through it while Bill fiddled with something in the corner.

Every time he paused reading, he couldn't help but glance at Bill, who was seemed to be in his every thought.

Finally he gave up trying to read, every time he thought of something he lost it right away.

"How am I supposed to concentrate, I can't love him," Dipper murmured to himself, wanting to slam his head into the wall in frustration.

Bill looked over, his yellow eye locked with curiosity, and Dipper realized he had said it loud enough for the dream demon to hear, which wasn't going to end well.

"Oooh, does Pine Tree have a crush?.." Bill teased, coming over to sit at the foot of the bed within moments of saying the words.

Dipper was sure he was imagining the disappointment that was in Bill's voice, which was probably not even there. Why would Bill care if Dipper had a crush on someone?

Dipper shook his head, trying to look exasperated, "Nope. Your wrong. Your deaf, go back over there."

"Nope. Your wrong. I totally know what I heard, I also heard 'him.'" Bill winked,  sound a little more hopeful, "So little Pine Tree is gay?"

Dipper's face turned bright red, as he considered his next answer, he decided he should stick with the truth, Bill would find out eventually anyhow sooner or later.

"Bisexual." He corrected, swatting at Bill in an effort to shoo him away.

The dream demon ducked, "Who's the lucky guy?"

Did he just say 'lucky'? Does he like me? No, everyone says that. Dipper's thoughts sped, before he went back to focusing on the situation at hand.

"Nobody." Dipper responded, "Because your still definitely deaf."

"If you don't tell me who he is, I'll find out and kill him," Bill threatened, looking mischievous.

Dipper started laughing for a moment, gasping for breath between each laugh, that he didn't even take note of the threat as much as he should have.

He knew it was an empty threat anyhow, Bill wouldn't do anything of the sort anytime soon. Would he?

"You can't kill him." Dipper rebuked, after he finished laughing.

"Why not?" Bill frowned, looking deep into thought as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle of some sort.

Then the lifted his head suddenly, his eyes wide, as he must've figured it out by putting two and two together. His eyes became mischievous again, and he opened his mouth to say something.

Dipper, rushing to avoid the conversation Bill was most definitely going to bring up. He could tell he was gonna bring it up by the expression on his face.

Grabbing the journal, Dipper commented, "I have work to do without you bothering me."

It was a lame excuse to manage getting out of the situation, but by rushing he could get past it.

He then proceeded to go into the closet, and slammed the door shut, locking it from the inside before the dream demon could follow him in or stop the door from closing.

He was definitely not having that conversation with Bill, not now and not ever. He would freak out, and plus he couldn't handle the disappointment yet, he needed time to prepare for the disappointment.

Almost instantly after he locked the door, the dream demon himself knocked on it hopefully. Dipper refused to listen to the knocking, and stayed silent, not answering.

"Pine Tree~" Came the singsong voice from outside the closet, "Come on out~"

Dipper stayed silent, ignoring the voice, and instead backing away to the opposite side of the door. He took out his journal, pretending to be focused on reading in the darkness. There was another knock on the door, although Dipper ignored it again.

"Aww, Pine Tree~"

"Go away, I'm trying to read." Dipper snapped back, before going silent again.

"Come on~"

He stayed silent, and the voice went silent for awhile, before coming back sounding slightly worried and sad.

"Why won't you speak to me?.."

Dipper sighed, his heart aching from the sad tone Bill was using. He stood up, opening the door slowly. The dream demon leaped to his feet, grinning, and turned to the shorter teen.

"So." Bill said, then went silent, as if waiting for a comment.

"I love you!" Dipper suddenly blurted out, "I should hate you! I almost do hate you for making me love you! I can't love you! Because you don't love me! I don't understand why.. I should hate you.. I want to hate you... but I don't.. I don't know.."

As he spoke his voice raised in panic and emotion, before he was muffled by an embrace, his fears were stilled as Bill hugged him, muffling his fears and comments with his shirt.

"Shhh.. it's okay.."

Bill sighed, taking his fingers and running them through Dipper's hair, his hat fell off as he did so, but for once Dipper didn't care anymore.

"I love you too." The dream demon finally said, still hugging the shorter teen.

"I don't understand," Bill continued, "about any of your rant. Or any of our feelings, but we will work this out. For now, do me a favor and focus on the present."

Dipper nodded silently, allowing Bill to guide him to the bed quietly. The dream demon placed Dipper down on the bed, and curled up beside him. A few minutes of laying there, and Bill wrapped his arm around Dipper's waist loosely.

Dipper blushed, "You awake?"


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