Closet | Chapter 5

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Dipper's Perspective:

Dipper stretched, glancing sideways at the dream demon curled up beside him, still there, and still asleep as far as Dipper could tell.

Bill had refused to leave Dipper's side all night, so there he was still. It has been expected, after all. Dipper shook his head, not sure if he should feel exasperated or amused with the chaos god's strange behavior.

After a few moments, the dream demon wriggled slightly, and Dipper stopped fidgeting, not wanting to wake him up. Bill moved  slightly, and wrapped an  arm around Dipper's waist loosely.

Dipper was positive his face was bright red, as he stopped moving again. He wasn't sure if Bill was still asleep or if he was awake, either were still a possibility.

Bill could've moved in his sleep, or he could've moved like this on purpose just to mess with Dipper.

A few minutes went by, Bill not speaking or moving and Dipper blushing uncontrollably.


"Your cute when your flustered," Bill murmured, and Dipper sat up right away, half embarrassed and half furious.

"You were awake!" Dipper accused, flinging his pillow at Bill's face.

The demon blocked the pillow with an arm, nonchalantly, "Maybe."

"Tonight your going back in the closet," Dipper rebuked, scowling, as he glanced sideways at he closet.

"Well, I'm already out of the closet," Bill teased, while Dipper turned bright red.

"Sure you are." Dipper mumbled, putting it as if he didn't believe in whatever Bill was hinting at.

The dream demon rolled his eyes, and winked, "I'll convince you otherwise."

Dipper's blush deepened, if that was even possible at this point.

Bill chuckled, getting out of the bed slowly.

"You'll see, Pine Tree~" He commented in a singsong voice.

"I'll get you some food." Dipper commented, eager to change the subject.

Bill shrugged, disappearing back into the closet as Dipper headed down the stairs.

Dipper veered straight to the kitchen, where Gruncle Stan was tearing up bill's he wasn't going to pay and placing them in the trash.

Half worried that his Gruncle would notice the bandage across his face, Dipper decided to make he sandwich as quickly as he possible could, and he hurried through to finish. When he was done with the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he placed it on the cheapest plate he could find, and turned to head up the stairs before Gruncle Stan noticed the bandage.

"What happened to your face?" Gruncle Stan finally said, as Dipper turned to him.

Dipper paused, thinking of a half truth or a compelling lie he could tell to avoid the truth. Otherwise, Bill wouldn't tell him what happened.

What happened.

The dream demon had been so distracting that Dipper had forgotten about trying to figure out whatever he was hiding from, and by the time he realized he still hadn't thought of a lie, his time was up.

"I... fell," Dipper told half the truth, "so I bandaged it up."

"Stay in one peace, otherwise your parents will kill me," Gruncle Stan instructed, still looking as if he didn't believe anything that Dipper had just told him. "Anyways, where'd you fall?"

"Er.. off a tree." Dipper wanted to scold himself for such an awful lie. It wasn't his fault he was such an awful liar, especially not on the spot.

"A tree? What were you doing in a tree?"

Here came the question he didn't have an answer to.

"Why do you care so much?" Dipper snapped back, trying to be on the offensive to distract from the question.

Gruncle Stan stared at Dipper, surprise and suspicion in his gaze.

Dipper stared at him for a moment, wondering where that came from. Was he really so defensive over Bill that he managed to snap? The dream demon has weird effects on his feelings, Dipper shook his head, and ignored his Gruncle's gaze, which was imploring, and headed for the stairs.

Feeling better away from Gruncle Stan's gaze, he headed up the stairs toward the room.

He needed to get the information out of Bill and get rid of him quickly, the demon has an effect on his feelings toward everything, which definitely wasn't good.

After placing the sandwich on the bed stand, he turned his gaze back up to the closet door.

"Got the food," He called, and to no surprise, there was no answer.

Dipper sighed, and went to the closet, opening it, he entered to find it empty. There was darkness, though, and Bill could be in there somewhere.

He stepped in, to look for Bill, and almost immediately the demon appeared from behind, wrapping his arms around Dipper's neck so his hands hung down by Dipper's chest.

The grip was loose, not threatening in the slightest, and Dipper felt his face heat up as he blushed. He honestly had no idea what to do, so he decided to ignore it.

"Bill, I made you food, come and eat before you starve again." Dipper instructed, trying to ignore the fact that Bill was even in contact with him.

"Fine." Bill murmured, sounding slightly disappointed, releasing Dipper.

Dipper frowned at Bill, and shook his head softly as the dream demon headed out to get some of the food.

Dipper tried to ignore the fact he missed the embrace.

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