Hate | Chapter 3

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Bill's Perspective:

Bill nestled his head onto Dipper's shoulder, pretending to be asleep, meanwhile the shorter teen was brushing furiously, which the dream demon found both amusing and adorable.

He was positive Dipper hated him.

Which was disappointing and depressing all in one, although he couldn't exactly figure out why.

As Bill fell into thought, he didn't notice Dipper falling asleep as he leaned against the wall. The dream demon blinked in surprise, before deciding Dipper had been being truthful with the not sleeping comment.

With a sigh of amusement, Bill carefully sat up straight, not wanting to stir the shorter teen.

Bill glanced sideways at Dipper, noting how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping. All the thoughts that rushed through his head constantly must be stressing, and the demon couldn't begin to imagine how stressing it must be for the teen.

Without a second thought, Bill scooped up the teen in his arms as gently as he could manage. Dipper was pretty easy to carry, probably due to his height and weight. Which made Bill wonder how much he actually ate.

Bill shook his head, trying to regain focus, he had to stop worrying about Dipper. He had to stop caring about the teen.

Setting off at a steady pace, the dream demon brought him out of the closet, heading toward the bed he was pretty sure was Dipper's due to the journals and mess of notes that littered the area where a human should be sleeping.

After Bill placed the teen on the bed, Dipper grumbled something, and grabbed his wrist before he could step away. Bill flinched, but stayed still, staring down at Dipper.

"I don't hate you.." Dipper murmured softly, still looking half asleep, before releasing his grip on the demon.

Bill stepped away from the bed, surprise shooting through him. Was Dipper telling the truth? A sleeping man's words were an awake man's thoughts, right?

The demon would've pondered this longer if Mabel didn't choose that exact moment to enter the room.

"Oooooh.." Excitement sparkled in her eyes, "Did my brother make a friend? Wow! He made you as a friend! My god! Why didn't he tell meee?"

She continued her rant, while a off guard Bill stared at her. "What's your name? Ooh.. You should come meet my friends Candy and Grenda! You'll love themmmm!"

Bill blinked, using the moment she gave him to answer to go through what she had just said.

"Well, Shooting Star, I'm pretty sure you don't want me to come." Bill responded, his usual mischievous smile returning.

Mabel's face turned pale, and her eyes widened, "Bill!" She opened her mouth to call for someone, presumably Stanley, but Bill raised his hand and she went silent, her face a mask of fury.

"Now, now, Shooting Star. Pine Tree already said I could stay with you, we made a deal and everything. Just pretend you never saw me, and go hang on out with your friends." Bill stated, his voice calm, but with lining of threat in it.

Mabel frowned, glancing from Dipper to Bill. Before going and leaving the room, Bill listened to the sound of her going downstairs. He listened as she told Stanley she was spending the night somewhere, before the door closed.

The demon relaxed, turning to her bed, and grinned, flopping onto it tiredly. The closet floor was nothing compared to the way the bed felt, and Bill was surprised Dipper didn't sleep more often.

He listened to the floorboards creaking,  still finding himself on alert for the thing following him, which he could, on no circumstances, allow anywhere near Dipper. He turned over in the bed so he could see Dipper, and stared at him with his eye for a moment, before turning back the other way.

Dipper didn't hate him.

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