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A cold fog rolls over the northern hills. Beyond the hills are the very last shreds of the sunset. The subtle sent of lumen flower is in the air.

You wake up on an old sweat stained cot. It's dark. The only light left is the remaining daylight breaking in through the barred red window. You have a slight suspicion that someone is watching you. This is quickly ended when you realize you're always alone.

Sitting up, you roll to your side. You stand up. Waving your hands infront of you, you blindly search for your hunter garb. You trip and fall to the ground. You've landed on something hard and cold. Feeling what it is, you realize it's a small hand lantern, which you then light and clip to your belt.

 Feeling what it is, you realize it's a small hand lantern, which you then light and clip to your belt

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Now that you can see you quickly find your garb on an old wooden chair.

Now that you can see you quickly find your garb on an old wooden chair

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Looking around the room you spot a metal table. Nothing is on the tables surface so you search the drawer. Inside the desk are a couple old bloodstained documents and empty blood and sedative viles.

You look for a weapon for a few minutes. After searching the small room sized house. You can't find any real weapons but you do find an old Yharnam enforcement batton. You pick up the batton and realize that under it is a fragile floorboard. Removing the floorboard you find a fairly large stash of silver/ gun powder.

You rip off one of your bandages and tear it into twelve peices. With your fingers, you pinch out the powder and place small amounts of it in each bandage fragment until you have distributed it amongst all twelve of them.

After this is done you make sure to gently fold all four corners of the bandages into their center where you then pinch and twist the ends until the little powder pouches are tightly secured.

With your, hopefully temporary, new weapon and make shift bombs ready to go, you slowly open the heavy wooden door to the rickety old house.

You open the door just wide enough to fit your head through. Peering out, you can see miles and miles of dark forest concealed in a sea of fog. Seems safe enough. Even if there were any threats, they wouldn't be able to see you, although, you wouldn't be able to see them either.

For an extra precaution you flick out your right forearm extending your batton to full length. Not a hunter trick weapon but luckily it feels like one.

You exit the house and look to the left, then right. To the right you see what you think is the corps of a man in a ragged old coat, striped pants, and a top hat. He is sitting in an old wooden rocking chair. Under his slumped left arm is a rusty rifle.

You slowly, and cautiously, reach for the rifle. Inching your hand closer and closer. Once you've wrapped your bruised fingers around the stock, you pull. The mans hand is still clutching the handle tightly. His hold won't budge. You put your strength into it. You lift the corpse slowly. You attempt to throw him to the ground. Much to your chagrin, and surprise, the man flips himself around and reaches for your arm!

Before he can grab you, you release your grasp on the rifle! The man falls to the ground! You look into his eyes. They are not human.

Unannounced he lunges for you, aiming for you jugular with razored teeth! Quickly you hop to the left, causing him to crash with a loud "THUD!" into the wooden houses frame.

Before he can pick himself up you kneel down next to him, grabbing both his arms with your left hand and pinning his legs with your left. As he struggles you begin to beat his head fiercely with your batton.

After what feels like a minute, you stop flogging. The beast is dead.

You wipe most of the blood off your hands onto your coat. You look up into the distance. In the far distance the sun is lowering bellow the lake. Infront of the bright red quarter circle is the silhouette of the city.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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