Season 1 AU- Clarktavia part 2

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"You hear that?" She asked carefully, forgetting for a moment what happened the night before.

"That's Bellamy!" Octavia exclaimed, running out of the tent.

Worry hit Clarke's gut, and she suddenly remembered what had happened last night.

'I can't'

The words felt like they were being ripped from her gut.

She couldn't.

She couldn't lose the only person who had ever loved her.

But the thought that maybe Bellamy was hurt now, was enough to make her run.


Bellamy was fading in and out of consciousness when Clarke and Octavia found him.

Octavia cussed. (A trait that must run in the family)

And knelt down beside her brother.

"Bell?" She whimpered.

Clarke moved in.

He had an obvious but not fatal head wound, more prominently he had a broken arm. There was heavy bruising and swelling.

"We need to get him out of here." Clarke stated, her voice evidently worried.

"He's gunna be fine thought, right Clarke?" Octavia pleaded.

Clarke forced a smile.

"If we get this big lug out of here, he'll be fine." She joked.

The girls grabbed half of Bellamy each and carried him toward camp.

He began to protest, in a subconscious slur.

"Shhh. Shhh. Shhh." Clarke settled.

"We got you."


Bellamy Blake awoke to a pair of ice cold hands on his face.

He opened his eyes, and though his vision was fuzzy he could plainly see Clarke Griffin's silhouette standing before him.

"Couldn't get enough ayy?" He joked, coughing.

Clarke made a displeased sound in the back of her throat.

"Quiet." She warned.

"Where's Octavia?" He asked, blinking as his vision returned to normal.

"She went to boil some water for you." Clarke said professionally.

Bellamy felt an ache in his chest, that was not from the fall.

"Clarke I'm sorry... not that it happened... but that I caused you pain and..." Bellamy began, but Clarke cut him off.

"No Bellamy." She asserted, she was wrapping gauze around his head now.

"You don't get to say anything. You have nothing to lose here." She lamented.

Bellamy looked at her confusedly.

"My sister. My responsibility." He whispered, his eyes glassy.

"What?" Clarke asked; worried he had a concussion.

"Clarke I raised her." He whimpered.

"I raised her. I'm the only thing she has left in the way of family and I betrayed her." He began to sob.

Clarke instinctively pulled him into her arms.

He winced but was grateful for her touch.

He had a sling on his arm.

The Slowest Burn - BellarkeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin