Haurhi, Freeze Your Brain.

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It was the day of Hikaru and Karou's party. The Host club wanted me to grab some snacks from a convenience store beforehand. Of course they send the commoner into the commoner store. I walked down the aisle and see the last kid I'd expect to be there. Mr. No Name Kid. He leans against a slushie machine and smirks at me. "Greeting and salutations. Want a slushie?" He shakes his in my face. 

"No but maybe Ill let you buy me a Big Gulp." I say looking for the snacks. 

"Oh please. That's like saying you'd rather go to the Saint Lobelia School. Cherry or lime?"

"Big. Gulp." I say slowly pointing at the other machine. "By the way I'm Haurhi Fujioka. Care now to throw me your name?"

"if you can catch it. Its Ootori. Kyoya Ootori." He smirks

"An Ootori pull a stunt like that in the cafeteria. I'm surprised. " I stand up.

"It wouldn't be any different then sending in my police force to teach them a lesson."

"You damn rich people."

"Much like, say, your friends?"

"I don't particularly like my friends. what are you doing in a place like this."

"I love it. You know with my dad being an owner of some major hospitals., I've been to at least ten schools in the past three years. Honestly, we are on the move so much that we keep mostly everything packed up. But every town I've been to, a 7/11 is always there. With slushies. Now, I don't normally have a sweet tooth, but for these things. This helps me ignore a lot of other..stress." He takes a sip and winces, probably from a head freeze. "Honestly, freezing your brain is a much healthier experience then say, cocaine? It just brings me joy to know I'm human enough when my head numbs."

"Does your mother know you drink that crap?"

"Well not anymore. When mom was alive, I had it normal. Its just my brothers, my dad, and I now and my sister. I learned how to handle money, run the business if my brothers don't get it. All at a very young age. You, Miss Fujikoa, have planned your life. You will probably go to some university, marry a lawyer. However, do you have a plan for when reality actually falls down on you?"

"You don't know anything about me."

"Oh but I do.  Come on, its better than cutting yourself."

"I don't hurt myself," I got defensive.

"Not yet. Here try it." He hands me his slushie and i sip it.

"Okay I really don't get.." I wince from the pain of my brain freezing. "Oh fuck!" 

Kyoya chuckles. Tamaki storms into the store, "Haurhi! Corn Nuts?!"

"Yeah. I have them."

"Say goodbye to the Shadow King and let's go." He walks off. I wave goodbye to Kyoya and follow Tamaki.

Author's Note:
Did you guys guess right? I kind of made it pretty obvious who'd I'd pick.

Kyoya: He was the only host that would actually work. I mean there's Nekozowa but i really doubt he'd try and blow up the school. Kyoya on the other hand..would do it and get away with it. Besides I wanted to use as many of the main host as possible. Well, still haven't found where to put Mori. At this point, I don't think I'll add hime


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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