Message from Me

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the interest of reading this story. This is my first one that I have published and completed on here. With leaving comments will help me grow and hopefully make better stories to share with you.

This story like I said in the summary part, I taken from the inspiration of the brothers Grimm version. I love this story and try to stay true to it but make it my own also my putting my words into it.

If there is any comments in the story to make it better, then I would try to make the changes.



The top message was from July 2018. It still applies of course, I've written this little part in December 2019.

I got the inspiration to come back and edit this better. It did sound a little like I didn't care about the book. I feel it is a better read now. I may come back to it again, who knows.

Like I said before, leaving comments can help me grow and help me with this story and others that I write.

Till next time, Jessica 

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