The King

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Years went by in the forest and nothing much happened. We both had grown up more and that we were doing fine of what we had. There were a few hunters that came by in our part of the forest but brother had fun outrunning them and when he told me about them, I would tell him that he needs to be careful. "I will sister, I have been doing this for years". Which he said every time. Oh yes, even though he is a deer. He is a talking one. 

One day, the King was coming home from war within the borders of his kingdoms. Brother was sitting down by a large tree and watching them going by the edge of the forest. The king had spotted him and shouted to his men, " You see that deer there, let's have some fun to take it for our coming home feast". With that, his men split into different groups and one of the men headed towards brother. So he sprinted off and thought to himself, 'let's have fun chasing these away'. 

He ran through the forest and now and again you could hear the riders and horse falling over because they have hit a tree, each other or into a ditch. The King seemed to be an excellent rider but when he wasn't watching where he was going and his horse had tripped over a tree root. He flew over the head of the horse and landed on his bottom. One of his men had seen him and went over to make sure he was okay. Luckily he was alright and decided to head to find somewhere to rest. So, the King and his companion were wondering about the forest when they had spotted the cottage. The smoke was heading out of the old chimney. "That looks like a warm place to stay and rest for a while until I can return to the castle." The King said to his campaign. 

Brother had a successful day of defeating all of those riders, even a royal one. Knowing that he was the winner, he headed back to the cottage where I would be making food for him on his return. He was near the door, he would use his antlers to knock 3 times at the door, for which I knew it was him and not a stranger. I opened the door to him and asked what the commotion in the woods was about. he told me about the royal hunters and which he had fun chasing them off.

Unknown to the brother, the King had watched the deer came to the same cottage as himself. The king watched the brother knock 3 times on the door and saw a lady answer the call. One look at the lady, the King knew immediately in his heart that he loves her and that he will have her for his bride. He quickened his pace to the cottage and he knocked on the door 3 times like he had seen the deer doing so.

Hearing the door being knocked 3 times, I thought of the worst. It must be a hunter that had found where the deer would be hiding and wanting to take him away from her. I shouted at the door, "leave me alone I will not open the door to anyone." That should do it, I thought.

"My dear Lady, I am the King and you need to open the door to me". Oh dear, what has brother done? Dread went through my vanes. I thought he said he had gotten rid of them. So I slowly opened the door and stood in front of me was the King and his campaign. "Kind lady, I am not here to harm you or your deer. I would love you to come with me and to become my queen." I was shocked at what he said.

"If I come with you, can you promise that my brother, who is the deer, won't be harmed by anyone," I said to make it a bargain with the King.

"Anything for you my dear. I love you the moment I saw you." He took my hands and pulled me close for him to give me a kiss on the lips. I just melted with the kiss. Well, this is unexpected but I let them both in. We all made ourselves comfortable for the night. I told the King of our story and he was angry but it soon faded of me telling him that we both wouldn't have met.

Morning came around with the sun hiding thought the trees. We shorted out the cottage-like putting the fire out and making sure it looks okay. This is because it can be used for anyone else who may need to take refuge here. When that was done, we all headed to the King's castle where we would live happily ever after.

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