Chapter 22 - Bloodlines

Start from the beginning

He finally stopped pacing and came to sit on the couch next to me, although his eyes and expression indicated that he was still deep in thought.

"Your enemies? Like Polar Moon?" I asked, still trying to piece all of this together myself.

Dean shook his head, "No. I'm not exactly on good terms with Elijah and his family, but I wouldn't consider them an enemy. The only two packs we've ever had deep enough problems with to declare as enemies are Night Fire and Tropic Sun. We've had a power struggle with Night Fire for decades, and we have attempted assassinations on the Alpha family of Tropic Sun many times for various reasons. He must think that one of their former Alphas is your biological father."

"What if he's right?" I asked, my lip quivering slightly.

"Then we will deal with that when the time comes. All you need to know, is that nothing could ever change the way I feel about you. You're my mate and the Luna of this pack. Despite what my father may hope, your bloodlines will not change that," Dean assured me.

My muscles relaxed slightly as I listened to Dean's words. Although this whole situation scared me, that was really all I needed to hear right now. I just needed to know that things wouldn't change between us, even if Archibald was right about my biological father.

I really didn't know how to feel about all of this. Did I want to have a different biological father? Would it really change anything, at this point in my life?

"I don't want you anywhere alone. Either myself or one of my trusted guards need to be near you at all times – at least until I'm able to do something about my father," Dean told me.

I nodded to Dean in understanding. Although it was a bit disheartening to be watched over after only just gaining freedom and power as Luna, I didn't really want to go anywhere alone anyways. Archibald could be anywhere, waiting in the shadows to harass me.

"In the meantime, it may be wise to try and be a step ahead of my father. Who knows what he has planned," Dean added, rushing over to his desk to pick up the phone.

He quickly dialed a number and proceeded to have a very vague conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line. I watched patiently from my seat on the couch. Although I was curious as to what Dean's plan was, I trusted him and knew he would fill me in later.

After a few more minutes of vague, hushed conversation, Dean hung up the phone and came back to sit next to me on the couch.

"A nurse will be up momentarily with a swab to collect a proper DNA sample from your cheek. Another will be in the dungeons collecting a sample from your father. They'll run a simple test in the labs to see if he is your biological father or not, and then we will go from there," Dean explained to me, making sure his voice was calm and controlled. He likely didn't want to stress me out anymore after what I'd experienced today.

"And what if it comes back that he's not my father?" I asked softly.

"Then I contact some sources of my own and have them do a little digging for me. My father isn't the only one with outsiders willing to help him" Dean told me, sounding rather confident in his status and abilities.

Seconds later there was a gentle knock on the door. Dean called for them to come in, and they quickly obliged. An older woman in a pair of navy blue scrubs entered the room. She had a kind smile on her face, but something about her body language told me that she didn't typically look so cheerful. I couldn't help but wonder if Dean had ordered her to be extra friendly, even if she had to fake it. He knew I didn't take well to more calloused individuals.

"Alright dear Luna, let's get that sample from you. We'll have the tests running and the results back to you in a jiffy," she assured me as she approached with a large cotton-swab in her glove-covered hands.

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