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"I am Honda Kiku and he is Kirkland Arthur*. He is from the English Ministry and I am from the Japanese Ministry respectively." Mr. Honda started, sitting on the cushion on top of the tatami mat.
"And no, you aren't in any legal trouble because of your hacking shenanigans." Kirkland-san finished before the former could warrant a court trial on the two of them.
"Gah, fine Kirkland!" Mr. Honda snapped. "Anyways, you two are wizards, magic users, mages, witches, or other synonyms."
"What do you mean, wizards?" Shiro asked, looking more interested than surprised at the discovery.
"Imagine magic as a creature. You are able to communicate with it and use some of its powers. Of course, you can cheat using wands or staffs to channel the magic but you need to use incantations which becomes a bit slow sometimes." Mr. Kirkland finished, sipping a bit of cold tea from his cup.
"Which is why your wizards are absolute trash." The raven haired man muttered to himself.
"But how do you two know we are magical, I mean..." Sora started.
"Have you won by insane amount of luck in gambles?"
Yes. He nods.
"Have you been sometimes able to detect bullies much before they approached?"
Oddly sometimes, when it would even be too much for his hypersensitivity. "Yes."
"Have you felt a breeze or a cool air of some kind when you thought the summer heat was unbearable?"
If it was because of magic, then praise this being!  "Is that why neither of us got any kind of heat sickness yet?" The brother asks while Shiro looks around the air out of curiosity.
"Yes, it most likely has some significance since it is the most common case in Japan." Mr. Honda nodded in confirmation.
"I want to see magic then!" Shiro childishly exclaimed in giddy excitement.
"Yea yea!" Sora joined his sister, chiming in.
""Show us! Show us! Show us!" They started to chant like fans cheering for a sports team.
"Fine, fine. Here, I'll start. Ready?" Kirkland asked easing a stick-no wand with his right hand. "mar neach-taice*" He whispered as a wispy line of smoke appeared glowing light blue. The smoke started to take shape, eventually turning into a rabbit hopping forward midair. It jumped around, leaving a trail of glowing blue magic in its wake.
"Ooh~what kind of spell is this?" Shiro asked, batting the path of smoke like a kitten. The wisps parted before her fingers as she swiped the air.
"It's a charm to summon your spirit." Honda said stoically. "Most people don't even know ten percent of what this charm can do anymore... of course, if you exclude us." He said flashing a knowing look at the Brit.
"Aren't you two becoming bored of such a mundane life?" Kirkland suddenly said, the rabbit now gone. There was only a hint of magic left in the air.
"What?" He played dumb, he had to. Adults would mock him, tell him that he was too young to be bored. He guessed it might be true, after all the Earth isn't such a small place. But he had no aspirations, he lost them long ago after realizing how rigged 'society' was. And his sister, Shiro was the only proof that there was someone in this world who is fair and just.
"You heard me." He sighed. "You already know how to beat the game, which the answer is that there is no way." The blond paused, letting the words sink in deeper than any anchor.
"..." He schooled his face into a neutral expression just like his sister's. Were they implying of a new life? But such frivolous things only came from novels and anime that the two addictingly read each day.
"We are offering you two an opportunity. You two can come with us to a world of fantasy, learn it's ways and spearhead the next generation. After all, isn't it about time for a new era to arrive?" Honda said, turning to Kirkland. He smiled, though it was one of ulterior goals.
"Indeed, so do you two accept?" The man with large eyebrows said.
It didn't take even one whole second for one of them to answer.
"Yes." Shiro said, much to her brother's surprise.
"What? Sister, did you even think about this?" Sora freaked out, acting as if she just made a deal with the devil. His sister nodded, looking straight at him in the eye. The sheer determination in that look made his thoughts of argument screeching to a halt.
"Fine." He muttered in defeat, raising his hands into a surrendering position. Arguing with his sister was fruitless most of the time anyways. "But can we bring electronics?"
"No." "Yes." Kirkland and Honda said at the same time.
"Don't be such a prick Arthur-san." Honda chided the other. "Besides, the more chaos the more fun right?"
"But the devices might become-"
"They're gamers and hackers, all of them are probably jail broken." The raven haired man cut him off.
"But... bu-" The blond sputtered with his cheeks red until Honda glared at him. The withering gaze successfully shut him up. "F-fine! But if brother's school explodes no one will blame me!"
Teleportation was a complete pain and a half. The itchy feeling of your legs being stretched too long and your muscles being contracted a bit too much were annoying to him. But at least he had the luxury of emptying his stomach after experiencing the sensation of his guts flipping ninety degrees twenty times. By the time he realized which way is the ground, Sora was retching his stomach contents into the ground.
"Si-sister, are y-you okay?" Sora rasped, his body still reeling from the aftermath. He worried for her, since she was part of a small minority that just never got carsick, seasick, plane-sick, rollercoaster-sick, you-name-it-sick.
"I... guess, definitely better th-than... you..."
Actually, her head was still pounding but she couldn't throw her guts out onto the pavement no matter how hard she tried.
"Bloody hell, out of all the teleportations, you had to choose apparition? Now I have to clean my lawn!" A certain Brit grumbled at Honda.
"It's better to reorient the body, so please help Sora while I clean up the mess." He retorted with a roll of his eyes. Grumbling, Kirkland hauled the child up to his feet who was still gasping like a dying fish. Suddenly, his head snapped up as if he just heard a bomb explode from the ornate house. Wincing, Kirkland informed them;"That git broke my wall... again."
Wait, wall? Sora craned his neck to see the man's bushy eyebrows scrunched up together in a disapproving scowl. Across from him, he could hear Honda curse at the sky with an exasperated sigh.
"Yo Iggy! Sorry I broke your window, but at least THE HERO IS HERE NOW! Also, I heard that your two ne-"
"Why. The. Bloody. Hell. Are. YOU. Here?!" Arthur screeched, his ears in a comical shade of cherry red.
"Well, duh, I mean like we are letting two normies into well, you know, our group. And all of us have to be present for something on this level right Artie?" The boy, (or was it man?) drawled. Behind him there was a fairly large room with dozens of chairs surrounding a massive circular table.
"Alfred has a point Arthur. These two must be very important, Da?" A silver haired man donned in a white (maybe light pink?) scarf stared straight at the sister, violet irises boring straight into her crimson ones with what hopefully looked like plain curiosity.
"Look, it was my brother who arranged this. I had no idea until less than six hours ago. In fact, Kiku's going to start the meeting," next to him the raven haired man nods. "Since I only have the basics of what we will discuss." He motioned for both Sora and Shiro to sit in two empty chairs, sandwiched between the two representatives of the exchange.
"Look at me in the eye both of you." Honda commanded. "Promise us that whatever you hear in here stays in this house. Don't try to see wether or not we are lying. Trust us." Even Shiro, who lacked the emotion of being intimidated felt the pressure of someone powerful, as if a second of disobedience will result with a head falling to the floor.
She nodded. Miraculously, they both nodded with equal honesty.
*mar neach-taice: 'Come patron' in Scottish, it's another way to say expecto patronum.
**おまえ本気でアホか?(omae honnki de aho ka?): 'Are you seriously dumb?' In Japanese. Though, it's another way to say 'are you f***ing kidding me?'
(A/N: This chapter is quite long, so I will stop at here. This will probably be on fanfiction.net and ao3... someday.)
America is only here because of the exposure of the nation status. He honestly doesn't care about magic. That's for his states to handle.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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