TWENTYTHREE ━ ❝poor boy❞

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( chapter xxiii

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( chapter xxiii. POOR BOY )


Months passed quickly. February became March and Calypso didn't think much about Angelina, the girl wasn't worth any of her thoughts. She spent time with Birdie and, surprisingly, Cho. It really wasn't that surprising seeing as Cho had been the one to inform her about Angelina's date at the Yule Ball. And they had become friends again.

Not close friends, no. Cho was still Angelina's friend primarily and Calypso wouldn't allow herself to get any closer to Angelina than necessary, that included her friends. They were strictly off limits, but Cho was fine enough. She had helped Calypso and was once her friend as well. But they were friends, close enough to talk and share moments with.

March became April even quicker, but by then Calypso had been fretting over her DADA class because the teacher didn't sit well with her. Something was just wrong with Moody, so wrong. But she couldn't pinpoint it. And Calypso had taken to spending more time with Maia because her cousin was still worrying about her, worrying over her since Christmas and the Yule Ball fiasco.

April turned to May but May wasn't eventful at all. She supposed this was a good thing really, her life didn't need to be too hectic after first term and everything that happened last year. She sometimes let her thoughts stray to Angelina but quickly covered them with homework questions and her sneaking suspicion that something was happening to Moody.

Finally, May turned to June. Everyone was preparing for the final task at the end of the month, everyone was betting on who would win. Calypso still had her money on Harry, not that she would ever tell anyone else. But Harry was a fighter and had already gone through a lot in only a short span of years. Found out he was a wizard, defeated Voldemort, dealt with the Chambers of Secrets, then went against a mass murderer (!!!), and now he's in a tournament. And that's only the stuff that's public knowledge. Which, really, she should be calling him a poor boy because he was, but well, he's going to win the tournament and she's sure of it.

Most people are betting for Cedric, since he's from Hogwarts and people generally like him more. Which is total bullshit to her. Harry is a fine candidate and couldn't control being picked and he shouldn't be punished for it, but whatever. Not many people care to listen to her, especially after last year when her uncle escaped from Azkaban. Whatever. They aren't worth her time anyway.

The month was filled with exams as well, seeing as it was nearing the end of the school year. Calypso got headaches from staring at pages of Potions history and recipes and she really just wanted to end it all when she was in the form of the beast, but she didn't. She was still living and breathing and having to study for her exams. But whatever, that doesn't matter all too much.

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