THIRTY ━ ❝perfection❞

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( chapter xxx

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( chapter xxx. PERFECTION )

Remelda Black was a woman of pride. It sat well on her features, as if it were just another piece of jewelry she used to ensure the look of excellence that had followed her all her life. The stone cold look in her eyes enhanced her pride, the elegance that was the Black family. She was too alike her ancestors, sending chills down the spines of everyone who knew the name of the Blacks. And, in the wizarding world, that was everyone.

She was the greatest example of them, the living replica of all those centuries of history. She gave a vessel to her ancestors, all of them pouring out of her posture and how she could easily rip apart someone who just her words, yet had the curtesy to never use it. She was a terrifying prospect to many, which was why they kept her so far away, yet close enough to keep an eye on her. Close enough that, if they were ever in need, they would trick themselves into thinking they could use her.

In truth, Remelda Black never did anything she didn't want to. Not anymore. As the feared woman she had created, she chose her battles yet gave off the impression that others coerced her into it. No, she was always one step ahead and she would never send herself into something she could not win. That was why she made a damn good lawyer, and why she rarely lost a case.

But in this house, the one she had locked away from her memory for so long, the one that haunted her dreams, she didn't feel like that woman. Others may perceive her as the same, but she felt like the little girl that once lived there with her family. With her brothers, who grouped with her as they attempted to comfort themselves, afraid of their own parents.

Now, Orion and Walburga Black would fear their daughter. She was a force of nature, how bone-chilling. The thought alone could cause a smirk to appear on her face, she was too proud of that. Good thing pride looked positively amazing on her.

She reviewed the material of her oncoming case, a terrible one she was sure to lose. Remelda was always given those cases, she always won them as well. She took a sip of her wine, always enjoying the taste of it even when she was too young to drink it legally as she mingled at the parties she was forced to attend with her family. Those were just bad memories now.

Remelda looked over the names of the case, the basic facts that everyone knew. She had yet to meet her client, to get their side of the story, but by the file it wasn't looking good for them. Never mind, she could work with that.

"Remelda," she looked up to see her ex-husband there. Remus did not land with good genes for his older age. He appeared twenty years older than he was, which was sad, and Remelda hated that after all these years she still took a sick satisfaction from it.

Lone Wolf ⋆ HP Golden Era (3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant