THIRTYONE ━ ❝back to black❞

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( chapter xxxi

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( chapter xxxi. BACK TO BLACK )

        Sleep never came naturally to Calypso anymore. Tossing and turning in her bed, hearing the snores of her roommates that would be soft and easy to drown out for anyone else if they didn't have superhearing like she did. She constantly looked out the window at the great night sky full of stars. She could easily spot the ones that held her uncles' names, her mother pointing them out constantly when she was a young child.

       Remelda would smile fondly at her daughter, bring her outside with a towel to place on the ground for them to sit on. It would be much too late for a child to be awake but they would still sit and Remelda would regail her with the different constellations enough times to now she knew them all by heart. The world was always so quiet. Crickets chirping the only white noise surrounding them and the hush whispers of her mother, careful not to be too loud as to not disturb the neighbors.

       It would just be them, alone to face the world, and Calypso missed those days. Everything was complicated now and she was alone at school, her mother far away and now with the duty of the Order to contact her daughter often. There was a disconnect, which she hated, but at least she only had a few days until finally she would be able to go back to 12 Grimmauld Place and embrace her mother.

       Christmas would not be a time of joy, she knew that. It wouldn't be at home and her father wouldn't be coming over for Christmas Eve, Aunt Nadia with Leo and Maia the next day to celebrate the holiday. Opening presents with a Disney film playing in the background and laughter filling the air. They would spend the whole day before eventually leaving when it was too dark to see anything outside with farewell hugs and promises to see each other the next day.

       No, this year there would be more people and most of them who weren't family. At least her dad would already be there, and so would her uncles. Both of them, for the first time! And Nymphadora would be there too, unless she went home to spend it with her parents, which Calypso wouldn't blame the girl for. Andromeda and Ted were incredible and Ted told her so many muggle stories, along with Nadia.

       (She would never dare to tell Aunt Nadia that Ted was a better story teller, it would break her heart.)

       The Weasleys would be there, and while she didn't hate them, it would definitely be different. Molly would be insufferable trying to prepare for dinner and snap and hate that the Blacks were there. Uncles Pads would be withdrawn, as he always was, and that would be sad but at least he would be there. For the first time that Calypso could remember, not counting her first Christmases since she was too young to remember them.

Lone Wolf ⋆ HP Golden Era (3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt