TWENTYTWO ━ ❝excuses, excuses❞

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do!" Angelina cried to Cho, a look of pain on her face.

She didn't want to lose Calypso, but she had. She had lost her before and probably lost her again now because she was foolish. Everything about it was foolish and she knew that. She knew she was to blame both times. But Fred actually wanted her. Fred asked her to the Yule Ball and wanted to be her date, really wanted to, while Calypso just agreed. Casually. She said yes because it was easy and would create more good blood between the two of them. Not because she actually wanted to go with the girl, not because she actually wanted to be with Angelina. That had nothing to do with her Calypso agreeing to be her 'date' to the Yule Ball.

But Fred wanted her, and she felt special. She felt special and wanted. And that was a great feeling to have.

"First off, apologize," Cho began to list, "Second, leave the girl alone."

"Cho..." Angelina whined.

The Chang girl rolled her eyes, "Look, Ang, you hurt her. When I told her about how you were with Fred for the evening, it looked like her heart broke. Literally. She was crushed, at least enough to have to leave the damn ball. You chasing after her and giving her these meaningless excuses only made it worse."

"I was only trying to explain my side. I didn't mean for, I didn't want to hurt her," Angelina pouted, eyes watering at the thought she had made everything so terribly bad between them.

"I know, I know that, but she was crushed. Calypso wanted to go with you and be your date to the ball and you crushed her. And what was your explanation? Fred asked and you said yes because you didn't want him to go alone? That's a terrible excuse," Cho went on.

"But it's the truth," Angelina tried miserably, the knowledge that she had fucked everything up becoming so much more apparent through their conversation.

"And I know that, but it's a terrible reason to ditch Calypso. You know, the girl who was supposed to be your friend. But instead you left her for a guy that you're acquaintances at best," Cho continued.

"He wanted to go with me. He wanted me, I liked that," Angelina explained.

Cho looked at her sternly, "Don't explain this to me, I'm not the one you hurt through all of this. Tell Calypso – she's the one who deserves this."

Angelina looked down in shame again. She had fucked up everything because that's what she did; that's what she would always do, apparently. "I know."

"Look, I'm sorry for being so hard on you, but it's what you deserve for all this shit," Cho cursed, "But I'm still your friend and I'm gonna stand by you even if I don't agree with anything you've done because that's what friends do."

She tried to smile at the girl. "Thanks," she croaked out, enjoying the feeling as Cho wrapped her arms around her. Holding her so close and comforting her even though she definitely did not deserve it. It was probably the last thing she deserved.

They stayed there for a while, allowing Angelina to regain her composure. But then it was time to go to dinner, it was already late enough and they were probably an hour later but whatever, so were a lot of other people. The two walked together to the Great Hall together. For the most part, her face was down but peered up every now and again. It was silent for the most part between them, every now and again they said something but other than that, it was completely quiet.

But, as she glanced up again, and saw Calypso Black leave the Great Hall alone and her breath caught in her throat. It was the first time she had seen the girl since Christmas, the first time she had a glimpse at the girl who looked utterly betrayed by her that night and she knew why. She knew that the girl had every right to be.

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