Trouble Comes Knocking

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"Fuck fuck fuck I'm such an idiot." I say to myself, looking at the positive pregnancy test in my hands.

I've been so busy with work I didn't even realize I had missed my period not once, but twice until the stupid period tracking app on my phone reminded me I hadn't been active for a while. I hadn't been with someone in so long before Colton that my arm implant birth control had expired and I hadn't even bothered checking it or getting a new one like an idiot. You would think being a freaking OB/GYN would make me smarter about this stuff but it turns out I'm just as dumb as the rest of the population when it comes to thinking with my urges and not my brain.

I could have sworn he had worn a condom, but every time I think about it my memory flips from one possibility to another, usually ending up on I can't fucking remember if he wore a condom.

I swallow the hysterical tears trying to make their way out of my body and quickly finish getting ready for work. I thank god that I don't have any C-sections, inducements, or clinic hours scheduled for today. I just have to make rounds, do paperwork, and try and make it through the day without uncontrollably sobbing, which I'm going to blame on hormones.

I know I have the means to take care of a baby, but I would have to make some drastic changes to my work schedule if I want this baby to turn out having a semi-normal life. I would also have to figure out some way to tell Colton to prevent major problems down the line. His phone number is still sitting on the notepad in my bedroom, but I've been so busy I haven't even thought about calling it, that was until now.

I couldn't even remember my drive to the hospital when I pulled into the parking garage, and into my reserved spot. My mind hasn't stopped moving since 'pregnant' popped up on the test this morning.
I made my way up to my office, greeting fellow doctors with smiles, and skipping my usual morning coffee. I went through the rest of the day like a robot, doing rounds, doing paperwork, and then doing rounds again. Before I knew it I had accidentally worked until 7:00 p.m. I couldn't wait to go home, eat something that probably isn't good for me, and curl up under my covers for a long weekend that I had luckily booked for myself.

I collected my stuff and headed out to the parking garage, trying to decide which fast food joint to pig out on. I could literally see my car and freedom when my phone got an incoming call from the hospital. I almost screamed before I answered.

"This is Dr. Anderson."

"Hey Faye, this is Kelley. Sorry I'm calling you from a hospital phone but mines dead and it's an emergency, are you still here? One of my residents said they saw you walking out."

I could feel my heart drop as I realized it was Kelly calling me. Don't get me wrong, Kelly is the most badass surgeon I've ever met. She takes no shit from anybody in one of the most stressful surgical fields of medicine, trauma. If she's calling me it means something really bad has happened to an expecting mother, and she needs me to help monitor mother and baby during a trauma surgery.

"I'm in the parking garage, whats up?"

"Oh thank god, I'm so sorry to call you as you're going home, but the night OB is tied up in an emergency C-section and we've got a car crash coming in. The mother is 25 weeks pregnant. On initial observation the paramedics think she has a broken leg and wrist with mild head trauma. We need you in there just in case we have to do an emergency C-section to save the mother. The ambulance is 7 minutes out."

"I'll be there in 5, did they say anything about trauma to her abdomen or the baby?" I say as I quickly chuck my unneeded items into my car, and start a fast paced walk back into the hospital.

"They weren't very specific on the call besides major injuries they could see because they're rushing in, husband is alert and in the ambulance as well, but she's unconscious. We're getting a full body scan as soon as they get in to check for head trauma too."

"Okay thanks Kelly, I'm a few minutes out."

"See you in a few."

With that I hung up, increasing my fast walk into a jog. True to my word, I was at the trauma bay in a few minutes, gloved, and ready with all the teams who were going to work together to save this couple's lives, and future.

I could hear the ambulance before I saw it, and before it pulled to a stop I prayed for the first time in forever. As soon as the doors to the ambulance flew open, it was stimulus overload. The neuro and orthopedic team immediately pulled the expecting mother to the scanner in the trauma bay, which gives a scan of the patient's body in seconds. As soon as the scan was completed I rushed over to the mother, examining her abdomen and barking orders for someone to find me a fetal heart rate monitor.

I was able to release a bit of the tension in my shoulders as there didn't appear to be extensive abdominal trauma, other than bruising from the seatbelt. Unfortunately the tension returned as they brought in the husband who was beside himself screaming for his wife and unborn child.

"Please help my wife! I need to know if my son is still alive! PLEASE!"

His screams almost brought me to tears, but I pushed through and strapped the fetal heart rate monitor to the mother, finding a perfectly stable heartbeat. I breathed a sigh of relief, and moved to the side so the other teams could continue working and assessing. The husband's screams continued to fill my ears, as well as the pleading of the nurses for him to quiet down.

I quickly made my way over to him, trying to keep out of the way of his medical team.

"Sir, I'm Dr. Faye Anderson and I'm and OB/GYN. Your son has a strong heartbeat despite everything he's been through this evening. I'll continue to be with your wife through everything and make sure they're both okay. I need you to settle down so these doctors and nurses can take care of your injuries, okay?"

He grabbed my hand as he began to sob, both in relief and pain. I swallowed back my own tears as I asked his name.

"My name is Alex, and my wife's name is Callie. Please take care of her for me."

I nodded, and squeezed his hand before going back to Callie and the baby. We soon after began rolling to the OR, where I stayed the next 4 hours monitoring them both. The surgery was finished just before midnight. Overall they fixed her leg and wrist, and she was given stitches on her head where some trauma had occurred. The baby's heart rate didn't drop once during the surgery, exceeding almost everybody's expectations. We heard about half way through the surgery that Alex had only needed his dislocated shoulder set and stitches above one of his eyebrows, but they're keeping him overnight for observation.

Right before they were finished closing on on Callie, and just about to try and wake her up from surgery, I was elected to go and tell the family how everything went since I was the only doctor not scrubbed in.

I made my way to the surgical waiting area, surprised to find it a quarter of the way full this late at night. I looked around the room at all the expectant eyes on me, filled with hope that I was there to inform them about their loved one. Finally deciding I couldn't guess the family based on looks, I called out Callie and Alex's last name, thankful I had looked it up before coming out here.

"I'm looking for the King family?" I said, looking around the room once more.

An older looking couple shot up immediately, with a fear in their eyes you only ever see in these types of situations. They nudged a sleeping figure next to them, and I made sure to flash them a reassuring smile as I quickly made my way over to them. I could see the relief in their eyes as I reached them. I introduced myself, letting them know it was okay to sit back down. The sleeping figure jolted up, and I couldn't believe who was sitting in front of me, and I'm pretty sure it showed on my face.


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