Don't Be a Hero

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Okay, so I know I'm like a really bad person for leaving this on a cliff hanger but better late than never right? To be fair I think I have a valid excuse. Last semester was my final semester of undergrad and I was swamped working on top of school. Thankfully I graduated, with a 4.0 in my last semester!!!! I am so excited to have a little more free time and to be able to finish this book up. I know I say this a lot but I really am dedicated to finishing this book, it just might take me a little longer than I want! Anyways, enough rambling, here's the next chapter!! It's a long one! Also thank you so much for your support through my LONG hiatus!



I could feel bile rising up my throat as Andy's husband Michael stands before me. I had only seen him a few times before this at work functions, but looking at him now I can see he definitely looks more disheveled than normal. His hand shakes as he continues pointing the gun at me, heaving his breaths. I can't tell if its from anger or his rush to get in here, but he looks terrifying all the same.

I can feel Marissa behind me, and before I know what's happening she's pulling me back by my scrubs and stepping in front of me.

"I don't know who you are, but no one has to get hurt." She says, raising her hands in surrender.

Michael rolls his eyes before grabbing her by the shoulder and throwing her to the floor. I watch in horror as her head hits the table next to the couches and she hits the floor, the breath knocked from her chest. 

The few residents in the lounge don't dare to move, and I slowly raise my hands in surrender, just as Andy had done before.

"Please Michael, don't hurt anyone else, it's me you're mad at."

Michael sneers, keeping the gun aimed at my chest. 

"You're right you stupid bitch."

Before I can react he's swinging the gun at me. It connects with my temple and I fall to the ground on my side. The room swims before my eyes as tears sting them. I had never really known what people meant by seeing stars before, but I now understood. 

"You're going to get what's coming to you, you ruined my life, and now I'm going to ruin yours."

My vision clears just in time to see Michael's foot coming in for a kick to my stomach. I quickly turn to my back and his foot connects with my ribs. I turn again so my back is facing him and curl up around my stomach as he lands another kick, this time to my back.

I pray, promising god whatever he wants as long as my baby lives. Before Michael can land another kick a resident comes out of the computer area and tackles him to the floor. I can hear their scuffle as I fight to get air into my lungs, praying he hadn't broken a rib and perforated a lung. After a few breathes I rush to pull my phone from my pocket, hearing the resident and Michael still fighting.

My hands shaking, I pull up my recent texts to Dr. Fanning, knowing she's in the hospital. I pray to god she sees my message quickly as I type. 

Code Silver 6th floor physician lounge. Tell Colton I love him.

Code silver is the universal hospital code for an active shooter/threat in the hospital, and when called immediately puts the entire hospital into lockdown. I quickly hit send on the message and slide my phone under the couch next to me so Michael doesn't see it. I jolt as I hear a gun shot, and quickly wrap myself around my stomach again, praying the resident had somehow gotten the gun. 

My thoughts are interrupted when I'm pulled up to my feet by my hair. I scream out in pain and protest. I bite my tongue when I'm turned to face Michael's bloodied face. I look down to see the resident on the floor, a gunshot wound to his shoulder, and unconscious. 

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