Be Social

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"Come on Faye, you have to go out with me. We live in the same city and I haven't seen you in six weeks!"

I sigh, staring at the yet to be finished medical charts open on my laptop in front of me.

"I know Taylor, but I have so much work to do I can't just blow it off for the night. I want to go out with you, but this is my first night off call in weeks and this stuff has needed to get done for ages."

"Faye, you need a night off. You're going to burn yourself out, when was the last time you went out for a non work related event?"

I went silent, realizing how right she was. I looked back at my laptop, looking over all the opened medical charts. I know I need to get these done but I had to be honest with myself, I probably wasn't going to get much done tonight anyways."Fine, but you're driving and your fiancé isn't coming, it's a girls night."

I shove my phone away from my sensitive ears as my best friend's screams come out of my phone. "YOU BETTER LOOK HOT AS FUCK I'M FINDING YOU A GUY TONIGHT, I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 10!" and with that she hung up.

I quickly finish the medical chart I had been working on before Taylor called, a normal delivery turned c-section due to a severe drop in fetal heart rate. Luckily baby and mother were both fine. Being a doctor, specifically an obstetrician where most of what I do is deliver babies has to be one of the best and worst jobs in the world.

Sure there's long hours and almost no social life, but I choose to keep my life that way. I want to be there for my patients no matter what, and I know I have to make sacrifices to protect them and make sure they get the best care they can. 

The worst part of this job is the stark contrast between the good and the bad. You either watch their joy as they bring a baby into the world or you watch them crumble because something goes wrong with the pregnancy. Some days my head spins so fast it's hard to keep up.

I groan, standing up from my outdoor patio couch with my laptop and pad into my bedroom, deciding what dress to dig out of the back of my closet. I decide on a form fitting navy blue dress with black sandal heels I know I'm going to regret later. After applying a bit of makeup and perfume, I head to the kitchen to feed my whining cat Milton.

When I'm finished with everything, I can hardly believe it's 9:55. I'm already so exhausted, but I know I can't cancel on Taylor this late, and I really do want to see her. I feel bad it's really been over a month since we've been able to hang out. 

After what feels like only minutes since our phone call I hear the honking of Taylor's car horn. I walk out with my purse and cell phone in hand and shake my head laughing at seeing Taylor is in her fiancé's prized corvette.

"How did you even get Carson to give this to you? I thought he doesn't let you drive it because you're a neurotic driver." I said stifling a laugh.

She glares at me before speeding off from in front of my house. "He wasn't home when I left."

I burst out laughing, almost to the point of tears, knowing for a fact he is going to be really pissed when he gets home. We head to downtown Austin Texas, to one of our favorite bars. It's been one of our favorite bars since undergrad at the University of Texas.

After parking in the parking garage close by, we quickly make our way to the line outside the club where I can already feel the music splitting my eardrums.

"I'm so old," I grown out. "I want to go ask the DJ to turn down the music already."

Taylor just rolls her eyes, "You're 28 thats not old."

We quickly get in past the bouncer flashing our ID's, but not before being bumped into by some already wasted college students.

"Remember those days?" Taylor says laughing, before leading us up to the bar and ordering us each a shot of vodka to start out the night.

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now