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                                                                      His P.o.

"How do they know?" How do you think? They saw them! "They said that they couldn't help but notice them. Then they asked if it was because of you!" The tears wouldn't stop coming. I was a mess. "Why would they ask that?" Because it's true. "I told them why you broke up with me." Why would you do that to yourself? You don't even like them. "You told them what! Why would you tell them about that? Did you tell them we were back together too?" No i didn't. I'm sorry, really i am. I didn't mean to make it seem as if it is your fault." Forgive me please. "But it is! I am the reason you hurt yourself day and night, so full of pain inside. I did that to you! I hurt you and I didn't even know I did. How do you make up for that?" No no no no, please don't cry. "Hey it's okay. I'm better now aren't I? Don't blame yourself. None of what you just said is even true." I didn't mean for issues to become yours or my pain to be put on you. "Don't lie to me! I know i'm the one who did this to you. I admit i didn't notice it at first but now after I saw them i couldn't stop! I couldn't stop thinking about them and then i figured it all out. Now every time i see you I feel guilty and hurt. Don't tell me that i'm not the reason because i know i am. Mia i know it and i don't know how to help." Stop. "There's nothing left to help i'm alright now." Stop lying to him. "See that's the thing. You helped yourself and that's my job as your boyfriend to help you with your problems and i can't help that i feel like... you don't need me anymore." 

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