"I-I know... I'm sorry."

"Just-" Malia sighs placing her hand on my shoulder. "Get up, get ready."

"You and Ethan need to sort this thing out because clearly you two still have strong feelings for eachother-"

"Malia!" I drop my jaw as light laughs spill from my mouth.

"Don't lie! You know it." She squints her eyes at me. "Make the fuck up." She says sassily as she gets up, patting her jeans down.

"I have suffered through this for a year." She fails her hand around in the air. "I am not standing back anymore." She shrugs winking at me.

I try my hardest not to smile. But it fails as the corners of my lips curve upwards.

Well, lets hope this doesn't turn out bad.


Ethans POV

"Lets gooooo!" Grayson calls out from the front door. Jarvis immediately stands up from the couch, ready to go.

"Bowling nighttttt!" Jacob cheers.

"We are going to beat all of your asses!" Jarvis smirks, giving Jacob a high five as they pull a pose making us all laugh.

"Scott is going to pick the B and Mal up." Grayson explains as he grabs Riley from the waist, pulling her in tight. Her cheeks turn a light pink as she giggles.

I pick myself up from the couch, looking down at myself to make sure i look alright.

I let out a long sigh, running my fingers through my messy hair as i begin to walk to the door.

"Come on E, you'll be good." Alex pats my back.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." I mumble.

We all exit the front door before Alex closes it behind us.

"See you guys there!" Riley smiles before entering the passenger seat of Graysons car. He gives us a wave as I hop in my car, closing the door beside me.

Jarvis hops in beside me as Jacob jumps in the back.

"So did this April girl give you the address."

"No Jacob, she didn't tell me. I am just going to drive around until i think 'hm this house seems like April' and guess where the hell she lives." I say sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes jokingly while Jarvis laughs his ass off.

"Smartass." Jacob chuckles.

"Dumbass." I raise my brows looking in the review mirror causing him to lean forward and smack my head.

"Guys, guys stop flirting and lets pick this girl up."

We both give eachother a glare before looking back at Jarvis. He gives us a warning face as my hands grip onto the wheel.

"Lets get going."


We eventually pull up to where April is standing as she waves. I park the car right in front of the driveway making her walk a few steps before she opens the car door.

"Hey dudes!" April says as she bends over to get in.

"Hey April." I say, looking back at her.

She finally clicks herself in as she shuts the door, running a hand through her hair.

"Bowling huh? You's ready to get your ass beat?" She smirks making the boys 'ooooooo'.

"Nah hun, you can't beat the Barrow brothers." Jarvis says, looking at Jacob before they fist pump.

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