Chapter 19

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Shane looked over the map that Cass had given him for seemed to be the hundredth time. After a hundred tries he still couldn't think of a better plan or one that he hated more. It was dangerous and it pivoted based on their failure.

Getting frustrated at the map Shane rolled it up and put it away. He looked over the field and watched as his young archers continued shooting the moving targets with ease. No matter how fast the elves worked the pulleys his archers were able to hit every target.

Shane couldn't help but smile at what his young elves had accomplished. They never complained when he told them to do a task and they moved without hesitation when he shouted orders.

If it wasn't for the battle getting ever closer Shane would have enjoyed training. Maybe when this is all over I could be a battle instructor and train young fighters. Shane thought to himself. Rilora did not respond with words but with a strong distaste, she did not like the idea of training people.

Shane shrugged off his dragon's thoughts with a smile and continued his work.

"You won't be shooting at deer you know, they will be shooting back." Shane shouted. "Lets pick up the pace and at least pretend like we are training shall we." Shane was pleased with their progress but that didn't mean he was going to let them take it easy.

Cass and the elders had finally finished all of their elaborate plans and workers had already been dispatched to the edge of the forest to begin making preparations. Cass had even sent a group to the hill to prepare a surprise for the upcoming battle.

Cass had brought stacks of maps to Shane's room and tried to explain all of the ploys they had devised. Cass showed him tricks to draw the enemy out into the open and then quickly surround them.

Shane had understood the importance of what she was explaining but he had no idea how she knew exactly how their enemy was going to react. She had claimed that it all had to do with her training.

Shane had kept the map that showed what his archers were to be doing. It wasn't Shane's responsibility to plan an entire war; he just had to win it.

"You barely hit that last target, tighten it up." Shane shouted. The young elf had actually made an amazing shot and was only a few inches away from the center of the target.

The elf straitened up and sent another arrow down range. The arrow sank a few inches into the center of the target. Shane nodded his head in approval.

Shane moved over to the edge of the field and pulled out the map for the hundredth and first time.

Cass had gone forward with her plan of keeping his group at the rear of the army. They would only see battle if the main forces had fallen and they would help lead those who were not fighting to safety.

It was a good idea but something bothered Shane about the plan. He kept staring at the plan laid out before him but Shane only saw one thing. An idea.

"SHANE!!" A shout rang out over the field. Shane ran over to where the shout had come from, shoving the map back into his pocket as he ran. An elf riding on the back of a giant stag tore through the forest and stopped just a few feet before Shane.

"What's going on, what's happened?" Shane demanded, his gut in knots thinking that something might be wrong.

"They have been spotted." The elf said as he slid of the stag.

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