Starting Today, You're A Heather!

Mulai dari awal

The doors open and three students walk in. Of course we can't forget about the Host club. They float above it all. Mitsukini Haninozuka, "Honey." His dad is loaded. He sells engagement rings. There's Renge Housakuji.  She runs the year book. No discernible personality but her mom did pay for implants. And Tamaki Suoh, the King of Ouran. He is a mythic bitch. (A/N See bottom A?N at end of story why I chose these three as the "Heathers")

They're solid teflon, never bother or harassed. I'd give anything to be like that. Some guys would love to be Renge's boyfriend. Some girls dream of being able to sit with them. Probably because they want guys to notice them. Arai, iknow for a fact, would love it if they were nicer. And some weird guys would love to take weird pictures of them. 

The bell rings. I head off to the bathroom. Ouran has gender neutral bathroom. Maybe this school isn't so shit. I hear Renge throwing up in the stall next to mine. I over hear the Host club's conversation. "Grow up Renge. Bulimia is so '87" Tamaki says, probably fixing his hair.

Honey knocks on the door, "Maybe you should see a doctor Reng-chan." He says happily.

"Yeah, Honey-senpai, maybe I should." Renge coughs. 

Mrs. Hitachiin walks in, "Tamaki, Honey," Renge throws up again, "And Renge. Perhaps, you didn't hear the bell. You're late for class." 

Tamaki pouted, "renge wasn't feeling well. We're helping her."

Mrs. Hitachiin laughs, "Not without a hall pass you're not. Week's detention."

"Ah actually Mrs. Hitachiin, we are out on a hall pass. Yearbook committee." I say walking out of the stall and handing her the note I forged.

 "I see that you're al listed. Hurry up and get where you're going." She hands me back the note and leaves.

Someone reaches and takes the note from me. I turn around to see Tamaki reading it over, "This is an excellent forgery. Who are you?" He leans down. 

"Uh..Haurhi. Fujioka. I crave a boon."

"What boon?"

"Uh." I stutter, "Let me sit at your table at lunch, just once. No talking necessary. If people think you three tolerate me then they'll leave me alone. " The Host laugh. "Before you answer, I also do report cards, permission slips, and absent notes."

"How 'bout prescriptions?" Renge asks from the stall.

"Shut up, Renge." Tamaki snaps.

"Sorry, Tamaki-senpai."

"For a greasy little commoner, you do have good bone structure." He tilts my chin up.

"And a symmetrical face! If I took a meat clever down the centre of your skull, I'd have matching halves that's very important." Honey-senpai speaks.

"Cours you could stand to lose a few pounds." Renge pokes my stomach. When did she come out of the stall?

"And you now, this could be beautiful.  Mascara, lip gloss and we could have a hostess. Get this girl some blush, Renge I need you to call an eye doctor and get this girl some contacts." He takes off my glasses, "Let's make here beautiful. Okay?" he asks me. 

"Okay!" I smile.

As we walk out of the stalls, I can't help but see people stare at me. I don't think they recognize its me before Arai shouts my name. They look shocked but I can't help but smile. The Host gave me a new uniform, brushed my hair and fixed my face up. You know, if you hope, dream, pray, you might actually get what you want. Maybe that's when life is beautiful. And when you're beautiful, it's a beautiful freaking day. 

Quick Author's Note:

KK So like. I feel like I should explain my reasoning for the characters I chose for this.
 Haurhi: Haurhi was obviously going to be Veronica no matter what. I wasn't going to have it any other way. It was the only logical thing to do.

The twins: Well, I mean. Come on. The fact that Kurt and Ram are always together made it to easy. Hikaru is Ram of course because I feel like most of their fangirls prefere Hikaru over Karou and with Martha's crush (obsession) it just made sense. I like both the twins equally though so don't come at me.

Arai: So I spent literally an hour trying to figure out who to make Martha. At first I thought Mori but quickly debunked that because Martha and Mori and two completely different people. I thought Kasnanoda would be fine, but there again.. This person, Arai, was so similar to Martha I had to. I'm not changing it because I spent another hour trying to figure out his name. He's the guy, Haurhi's childhood friend they meet when she's working for her dad's friend. Though, I don't know how the relationship between Arai and Hikaru is going to work.

Renge: Everyone hates Duke. Everyone hates Renge. DONE!

Honey: Don't get mad at me for this one either. Mcnarmara has such a childish personality but secretly dark personality.  I chose Honey because of how cute these two characters act like. (Not going to enjoy writing a particular scene though)

Tamaki: So I first had thought of making Renge Chandler. But Chandler got redeem, in a way. And i FUCKING love Chandler. I don't know why. I know Tmaki wouldn't act like Chandler does but like I like Chandler and they're both the leaders of their friends so yeah. 

Mrs. Hitachiin: It's a OHSHC AU! I'm going to add Mr. Suoh and MR. Ootori as teachers later. But like why not. 

I'll explain more about the other characters once the appear in the story. 

Let me know if you have an ideas about Mori cause like.. I have no clue where to put him. I know who Kyoya is going to be though. Also let me know how you guys are enjoying this. Each chapter is going to be based off a song from the musical. References to scenes and episodes here and there.

See YA!


Ouran High School Heathers Club (OHSHC Heathers!AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang