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Even if it's never in the way that he wants for himself, Kihyun will love Hoseok in whatever way Hoseok needs.  


Ever since Hoseok had bought new fitness equipment to use at the dorm, and started using it diligently and without rest, Kihyun's life has been filled with almost constant torment, of the sexually-frustrating variety.

It's always been a well-guarded secret of his, his slow-burning but undeniable, undeniably intense crush on his bandmate and best friend, and it's usually easy enough to keep it all under wraps, under all of the walls and walls and walls of denial and justification and dismissal that Kihyun had always kept up around his highly sensitive heart, too fearful of destroying their deep friendship to do anything about it. But now, with Hoseok's masculine beauty paraded right in front of his face like this on a daily basis, it's becoming increasingly difficult to hide his true feelings.

And it's even worse when Hoseok has a bad day, and takes out all of his anger and upset onto the machines. Because while Hoseok may be the gentlest, sweetest, most kind and loving person that Kihyun has ever known, he's also got a surprisingly fierce temper, low and heated and powerful like an oncoming electrical storm. It's almost scary, when Hoseok gets angry. Almost scary and so, so very hot. And Kihyun feels guilty that angry Hoseok has such an effect on him, because Hoseok should never have to experience things like anger or sadness or hurt, or anything other than the boundless love and happiness that he so very much deserves.

But, of course, bad days do happen even to the most undeserving. And today is one of those days, one of Hoseok's bad days. A few too many malicious comments on his latest live broadcast, from trolls and haters and those who really shouldn't be calling themselves fans in the first place, and Hoseok is already going hard by the time Kihyun arrives back from the studio to check up on him.

When Hoseok has his bad days, there's a certain routine that he likes to go through. First, he works out until he's breathless and soaked in sweat, until all of the hurt and anger and frustration are physically expelled from his body in turn, and then, he'll take a long, hot shower, let everything wash away so that he can start fresh with all negativity unloaded and swirling down the drain and up into the steamy air. Next, he'll find Kihyun, and the two of them will hash it out together sitting on Hoseok's bed, Kihyun listening to Hoseok's thoughts and helping to guide him back down from a dark, dark place of insecurity and self-doubt to a place of confidence and strength. The night will usually end at that point in a few crushing albeit loving hugs that send Kihyun's heart soaring every time, and Hoseok will coo that fond nickname of his, that sweet hum of "Kihyunnie," right into Kihyun's ear before going off to bed good as new, while Kihyun goes off to bed with a racing heart and flushed cheeks and a million thoughts whirring around in his restless, befuddled mind.

Today, Hoseok isn't using any of the machines that they have in the dorm, but instead, is lifting weights in both hands. And Kihyun, he's frozen in place in the doorway, eyes wide and face hot and lips parted, watching as Hoseok continues, too engrossed in what he's doing to notice Kihyun's quiet presence.

Hoseok is working out shirtless (of course he is), his hands protected by thick, fingerless gloves, and he's wearing a tiny pair of shorts that leave little to the imagination, tight and stretched in all the right places. His muscles are already glistening with sweat, and Kihyun's eyes greedily travel the expanse of his naked chest, and shoulders, and arms, and stomach, all pale and chiseled, perfectly firm and sculpted from years of work into the most beautiful hard lines and smooth planes. Kihyun finds himself falling into a trance as he watches Hoseok go through the motions, his muscles shifting beneath his skin and flexing beautifully, calling out to Kihyun's basest instincts and spurring all sorts of naughty images to flash through his mind.

one hundred true moments [kiho, kihyun x wonho]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora