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The future is rushing towards them too fast to comprehend, and the past is fading away behind them too fast to hold on to.  


It's raining outside when Kihyun pushes open the door to the rooftop of the dorm, pulling Hoseok along by the hand out onto the concrete, their footsteps rushed but gentle and quiet.

It's not raining particularly hard, it's more of a slight drizzle, a flurry of light, tiny droplets, enough moisture in the air to cool down the hot summer night, but not enough to deter them from coming up here, one of the only places in the world, well, in their world as idols, where they can truly be alone.

The night sky is cloudy and obscures the stars, both because of the stormy weather and the city's light pollution, but they can still see the crescent moon shining down on them, the usually bustling streets of Seoul quiet at such an early hour in the morning, the sound of the door slamming closed behind them echoing in the silence. It's so quiet now, as Kihyun leads him across the rooftop to the wall on the other side, that Hoseok can hear his own heartbeat pounding in his head and his blood rushing hot and fast in his ears.

They had just finished the last concert of their world tour a few hours ago, and are at something of a standstill, that particular chapter of their lives closing and a brand new one about to open. And it had been a bittersweet, emotional night for all of them, when they were up on stage talking about it to thousands of their fans, when they were performing their final songs in tears, when the concert ended and they celebrated backstage, and even now, when they're back in the comfort and safety of the dorm, the flurry and the fanfare left behind like a distant, hazy dream. There's still a lot left for them to reflect on, to come to terms with, and yet, here they are on the rooftop, the same as always, like nothing has changed.

But of course, things are very different from the last time they came up here. The future is always unfurling in front of them, expanding out with every passing second as the past fades behind them, and nothing is ever certain, no matter how much they'd like it to be.

And so Hoseok hadn't resisted when Kihyun approached him in the dorm kitchen in the middle of the night, both of them unable to sleep, both of them still in the clothes that they had been wearing when they left the concert venue, unable to end the evening and go to bed with all of these mixed feelings still churning around inside them. Kihyun had given him this certain look, their silent communication effortless from knowing each other for so many years now, and then grabbed his hand without a word, leading him out of the dorm, out into the stairwell, and then up onto the rooftop where they are now, his hand soft but firm in Hoseok's, grasping tightly, though there's no way in hell that Hoseok would ever let go.

Up on stage, Hoseok had talked about their future as a group, and Hoseok knows that just like him, Kihyun is always thinking about the future, about the relentless passage of time, about their lives as idols and their lives together, where it all might be leading. Being an idol means thinking about all of this at the same time, and thinking about all of this at all times, and sometimes, they both just need a moment to stop and breathe.

That's what this is, that's exactly what this is.

And Hoseok does just that, breathes out effortlessly, a rush of emotions coursing through him as Kihyun is suddenly letting go of his hand, turning around, and pushing him up against the wall, immediately reaching for his face with both hands and kissing him deeply, all in one, unbroken sequence of motion, their eyes slipping closed at the same time as they move together, like always, in perfect synchronization. And it's effortless, too, when Hoseok's arms wrap around Kihyun's waist to pull him in closer, to return the kiss with the same depth of passion and feeling.

one hundred true moments [kiho, kihyun x wonho]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz