Chapter 14

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Japan's POV


"Alright dudes! Italy was scared shitless!" America exclaims as we all walk back to our cars. I stay silent as ever, of course, just petting a cat I found along the way. Probably from the labs. It makes me sad... Italy shouldn't be tortured like this, something is already going on because he was crying and didn't look like he was getting a lot of sleep. Did they really depend on me that much? The note taped to the arrow is sure to stress him out even more. I am not exactly sure if Germany is going to fight back, even if he did it would make Italy upset. And since when did he start to care about Italy's feelings? Did what I say to him really make him give Italy a little more respect..?

"YO BROSKI! WAKE UP!" America says, snapping his fingers in my face, bring me out of my thoughts. 

"Ah, sorry," I mumble looking around, noticing that we reached the vehicles. 

"I can give you a ride if you like, da?" Russia offers, opening the driver door of his large van. I shake my head politely declining his offer and continue walking down the road again. 

"But Kiku, how will you get to America's place, aru?

"I'r walk. I'm used to it anyways and rarery drive."

"Nope," large arms wrap around my waist and I gasp, being thrown on a shoulder "you are coming with me!"

America carries me to his red convertible one again and sets me down in the front seat. I turn to see China's face tinted pink, a small smile on his lips. It quickly fades away though as he climbs into his own car. My heart drops slightly and I face the window. America puts the crossbow in the back seat and hops into the driver's seat. 

"Hey.. you okay?" He asks. 

I nod, "Perfectly fine."

He hesitates but then puts a hand on my shoulder, making me feel a bit tingly. Why?

"You know it's okay to feel sad about this. They were your allies and now you are against them."

I turn my head to look him in the eye. They look....hurt. Usually, I push somebody off for touching me, like Italy, but for some odd reason, I don't want him to stop. I like the feeling of his hand on my shoulder. Perhaps it reminds me of when I was a kid and China would do the same...

"Hello...Earth to Kiku. Are you here buddy? You seem to be dozing off a lot." He jams the key in the ignition and follows after the other cars.

My shoulder feels cold...again...


We all file into America's hallway once we reach his house and go to his living room. We take our usual spots and England immediately goes to the kitchen to make tea.

"What is our next plan?" China asks, no longer interested in this whole vandalizing scheme.

"Well, I think we should take a little break, Mon Ami. Every time we get together we do nothing fun, only making plans to ruin my little brother's life." France says suggestively.

He has a good point. We have done nothing like a group except fighting the Axis.

"Well maybe that's because we don't like each other you Frogg," England grumbles from the kitchen.

France just laughs and sighs. "Why won't you love me? I am curious as to how large Big Ben actually is ohonhonhonhon~"

It was at that moment we heard a loud clatter and smash. England stomps out, soaked in tea. His bushy eyebrows furrowed with anger going into a scowl as he grabs the Frenchman by his unbuttoned collar. 

"Now listen here you bloody excuse of a gentlema-"

"Calm down everyone," Russia's thick accent comes floating from the sofa "I don't hate all of you. I like China."

We all glance to China nervously only to see him blushing instead of freaking out. I can feel the heat creep up onto my own cheeks at just the thought of them being together. They would be kind of cute together and FrUk nearly took place a mere ten seconds before. My Yaoi senses are tingling. I brush my hand over the pocket of my white uniform where I like to keep a small notepad for all the fan fiction ideas. Maybe I should write down the idea later. 

"Well we can play video-"

"No video games!" England growled as he went to the kitchen for a towel.

"Well fine then. I have some old board games that I used to play when I was younger in my bedroom closet. They are probably ancient." He says and we all nod in agreement to play the board games. Maybe. Just possibly I can try to become closer to them so it wouldn't be so hard being away from Germany and Italy.

He then jumps up and runs up the stairs to where I think his bedroom is. I wonder what he does in there in his free time... my slight blushes deepens at the thought of some....thoughts...

Stop it Kiku! Hold yourself together. At least for a little while longer. 

I can not deny that I might have some feelings for the American. Although he is quite obnoxious, I can not really help but feel attracted to him. I may be a yaoi lover but I never expected to be homosexual myself. I have read enough UsUk fanfiction to know what the little flick does, though I do not know if it is true. Now would not be the time to find out and discover if it is real. 

His feet clomp on the steps as he comes back down carrying a huge stack of thing boxes precariously balanced in his arms. Once they were set down on the table between us, we go through them and sort them out. The board game boxes look old and frayed but when the lid of the Sorry game was taken off you can see that almost brand new looking pieces. 

"Wow, you rearry take good care of your games America," I say, taking a seat next to him. England comes back and removes his stained coat. He clearly is pretending to not be listening but the look on his face shows otherwise.

"Well, they are special to me.." He whispers causing the corners of England's mouth to twitch up slightly, it was almost to quick to be 100% sure that it happened. He then sets his coat, neatly folded, onto the back of the recliner and joins us on the floor. The other nations catch on and also take a seat around the table. 

"Let us play Sorry first, Okay?" England says, picking out the green pieces. 

"You only like this game because you are good at it. You just like to demolish me!" America pouts, crossing his arms across his chest like a little boy. 

"There are too many people anyway." France sighs, picking at his nai....manicured nails? 

America points to each of us while counting quietly muttering each number. "Six"

"You did not forget to count yourself this time did you?" England scoffs.

"No! As a matter of fact, I didn't"

Well, it is good to see them get along... UsUk may have a chance here.

"I will play with Russia, aru." China says, scooting a bit closer to the scary man. I raise my eyebrows slightly but then scoot next to America.

"I'r play with him then." America's eyes widen and he turns a light pink but smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. The game of Sorry was taking forever to end. We play for about half an hour, America is becoming more and more frustrated as time goes. I can tell that he is a sore loser. 

"SSOORRYYY!!" England bellows out, falling onto his back on the carpet, a very rare smile on his face.

"Yeah, sorry. Sorry, I am gonna beat your asses."

We all spin around to face the door and England sits up to see a very angry German man holding us at gunpoint.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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