Chapter 4

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Japan's POV


"Dude Japan! What's up, bro?" I hear the familiar American accent call down the market aisle. I turn away from the manga to see him striding toward me like the hero he thinks he is. America, the self-centered, childish and ridiculous man who needs a headshrinker but I will never come out and say that to his face. 

"Oh, herro America. How are you?" I reply, placing one of the books in the shopping basket.

"I'm good dude. Hey, where are Germany and Italy? Are they here with you? I mean Italy practically follows you everywhere so...."

I can feel my lips tighten into a line but he doesn't seem to notice, staring at one of the magazines with half-naked women on the cover.

"No.... I'm not with them anymore." I tell him. Why did I even leave? Just because I can't keep up with Germany's training doesn't mean I need to put my country in danger. I mean, they were like part of my country themselves, Germany and Italy always helped me when I had trouble with it. Now that they're gone, I don't have that extra help and protection. Through I think having a little time to myself won't hurt. I'll go back at some point. But what will they think of me? A coward?

"So, you're on your own now? You're out of the Axis?" He questions, raising a blond eyebrow and looks at me. 

"Yeah? So what?"

"Maybe, if I talk to them enough, you can join us!! Be part of the Allies! With your Japanese technology, we can like, make huge robots to dominate! Plus you got some wicked awesome fighting skills!!" He exclaims a bit too loud, getting weird looks from passerby. If humans found out about us countries, who knows what will happen? His face is full of anticipation as he bounces up and down on his toes. "This'll be awesome!!!"

"No," I say plainly. He automatically freezes and gapes at me, his mouth hanging open.


"I said no. After I've had a rittle....vacation....I'm going back."

He snickers and shoves his hands into the pockets of his bomber jacket. "Back to boring Ludwig and annoying Feliciano, I guess. Why would you want to be with them, When you can be training with the HERO? With your addition to the group, we can be so powerful!! And you want to be with them? Sure Germany is strong but Italy is a huge baby!!!"

"How do you know their names?" I ask confused. countries are only supposed to reveal them to their allies or close friends.

He grins, "I have my ways."

I think for a moment. He can find out information that not a lot of people can, plus if I join them, I'll have the entire allied forces on my side. That's more than just Germany and Italy....I'll is...strong.....maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to join with them and see what happens.. plus if I decide to go back, I'll have information.

I sigh and he looks back up at me again from the magazine, now in his hands. A glint of hope flashes through his eyes and he smiles.

"You're considering?" He asks, grinning ear to ear. 

"A rittle. I guess it wouldn't be that bad of an idea."

He jumps up and exclaims happily, "Yes! A new member! Come with me! We're going to my place. They're all waiting there for me to get back." He grabs onto my arm and I drop my basket as he pulls me with his amazing strength towards the exit.

"W-wait America, I didn't buy my things." I stutter, being dragged like a rag doll to his car.

"That doesn't matter dude! We need to get you to my house to settle things. Especially with the old man, he's not going to think it's a good idea having an Axis soldier and all."

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