Chapter 10

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Japan's POV


We all file into a meeting room America reserved for us, sitting down at the small table. It's quiet for a few minutes as nobody says a word. Finally the "hero" stands up and makes his way to a chalkboard, making terrible drawings of Germany and Italy.

"Okay, so we all know that our plan didn't work out like we wanted it to," He starts, setting down the rundown piece of chalk.

"Yeah because it was your bloody idea you git so I'm not really surprised." England snorts. America shoots him a quick glare then regains his posture.

"We need a new tactic, something that will really tick them off and rub it in their face that we have Japan!"

France gives off a little chuckle and sighs, "ohonhonhon don't you think you're acting a bit childish Amerique? We have no reason to brag."

"Of course we have a reason to brag! We have the awesome Japan with us now!"

"Oh how Prussia's going to kill you for that aru." China mumbles, petting the panda that rests snuggly in his basket.

England sighs in annoyance, leaning back in his chair. "Fine, what do you suggest?"

"Well it has to be something they'll remember, something that will remind them that we hate their freakin gut!" America exclaims, tapping his finger on the blackboard at their poorly drawn faces.

"I'm pretty sure little Feli is going to remember what happened last night for life. Russia gave him quite the scare." France points out but quickly cowers away when Russia smiles at him.

"Well what can we do? We need ideas!" America says.

"We can kidnap Feliciano." England suggests.

:We can spread rumors about them aru." says China.

"We can burn their house down.."

We all look to Russia to see his creepy ear to ear smile and purple aura engulfing him. It sends shivers down  my spine.

"We...we'll resort to that later-but thank you for the suggestion." America stutters, clear freaked out. I don't like what they made me do, I'm not that kind of person. Sure I can lie easily, its kind of a gift, but that doesn't mean I like to. Now they probably think I'm a traitor or something....well technically I am one, switching off to the Allies. Why would anyone want to kidnap Italy? They end up sending him back anyways. I think everybody has already tried.

"oh C'mon dudes! Somebody has to have a good idea." America unwraps a hamburger, shoving it into his mouth with one bite. "Japan, you got any ideas broski?"

I quickly shake my head, trying to avoid causing anymore damage towards Germany and Italy. America raises an eyebrow but continues on, he obviously knows I hate being here. What I told them at their house wasn't completely a lie, they say such mean things about them... 

America eyes light up and he swallows down another one. "What if we just terrorized them, little things at a time, then go onto a full attack?" The other nations nod their heads in agreement.

"That might work..." England murmurs, impressed by America's theory.

"But if you do a bunch of little things to them they'll expect it." I point out, adjusting myself in my seat.

"And they won't know when. So when it actually happens, they won't be prepared and will think that it's another bothersome little thing." He replies, lifting his hands up in a heroic pose.

I sigh and lean back in my chair, closing my eyes. I don't want this to happen to them.....


Sorry this chapter came a little later. I had to eat dinner and do my homework for school tomorrow. I will try to update next week at least two chapter. Is any else excited to see the new IT movie. I am reading the book and I saw the old movie but have not got to see the new one yet so no spoilers. Well have a good day my nerds.

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