Birthday Cake and Late Night Dinner

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"So Belle.. would you like to hang out some time? Get to know each other?" I looked him in the eyes to see if he was serious. "Um.. " I said pondering the idea. Did I really want to commit to hanging out with someone I didn't know? It couldn't hurt, and besides he looked like a little puppy asking for a treat. "yeah, why not" I said still looking him in his eyes to see is he was joking.

"Cool" He said still smiling. He handed me his phone. "Just put in your number and we can make plans" I looked down at his black iPhone and put my number in.

"Okay well, I should be heading back before the lads get suspicious." With a wink, he slipped out of the back room and over to the table where the other boys were waiting for their food. I mentally face palmed myself. Did I really just give this person my number? I don't even know him. I shook my head clearing my thoughts. I really needed to just go home and sleep. I walked over to the chef's area and got their food. I walked over to the table and gave them their correct food before walked away. I waited a good 30 minutes before they were finally done eating. The Irish boy handed me a black card when I gave them the check. I studied the card. This was a special card only given to top notch celebrities.

"This is your card?" I asked, eyeing the blonde boy.

"Yup!" He replied happily grinning.

"This is for like, celebrities.." I explained. He just nodded. I shrugged and walked over to the cash register to ring them up. Apparently they were celebrities. I looked back at the table to see them goofing off. They looked like a bunch of normal teenage boys, not famous people. I just signed and swiped the card. The name that popped up on the screen was Niall Horan. I have heard that name before.. I couldn't remember where but I knew it sounded familiar. I walked back to the table and handed Niall his card. He slipped it into his pocket and everyone stood up, ready to leave. I started clearing off their table before I heard my name. I turned toward the entrance where the boys were leaving. Harry stood there with his sunglasses back on and his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks again" he said, "and we'll talk later" I just smiled as he walked away. That was definitely an experience. It's not every day a celebrity comes in and his creepy friend asks for your number. Even if he was creepy though, he was cute. Just as I was cleaning off the table I noticed a shiny black IPhone lying on the table where Harry was sitting. I looked at the door before grabbing his phone and going outside to try and return it to him. Just as I stepped outside, I saw a car pulling out of the parking lot. That had to be Harry's ride. I tried to signal the car but they took off down the street. I groaned, walking back inside. Grabbing my cake and my bag, I walked to my car in the back parking lot, Harry's phone feeling out of place in my hand. I should probably have left it with the boss in case he came back to get it but I decided to take it with me. I don't know why but I was curious to learn who he was and why his friend was famous. I felt slightly guilty but pushed it aside. It wasn't my fault he left his phone here and I'm just doing a good deed by keeping it safe. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.


As I pulled into my drive way I looked at the empty house in front of me. I stepped out of the car holding my cake with both hands. I could feel the weight of Harry's phone in my pocket with every step I took. I opened the door and stepped inside. I walked through the entrance toward the kitchen. I placed the cake in the fridge and noticed I have almost no groceries left. I would have to go shopping soon. I looked out the window to see all the outside loghts off. Looks like I have the house to myself...again. I walked up the staircase to the second story of the house before walking to the 5th door that led to my room. The smell of vanilla instantly filled my lungs. I placed my bag down on the side table and walked over to my king size bed. I immediately sunk into the soft duvet, looking up at the raised ceiling and looking at the sky lights. I looked at the stars before feeing my eyes become heavy. It seemed like seconds later when I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out Harry's phone to see he had gotten a twitter notification. I squinted my eyes as I looked at the bright screen. A new tweet from a user named "Real_Liam_Payne" popped up on the screen. I guess Harry got these persons tweets to their phone. I smirked to myself- looks like Harry is a fan. I tried opening Harry's phone but to my luck it was locked. I pulled out my laptop, going to twitter and typing in the user. First thing i noticed was that this person had A LOT of followers and he was verified. I clicked on his icon picture, trying to place where I'd seen his familiar face before. Scrolling down the page, I looked at his most recent tweet.

"Looks like Harry_Styles left his phone at Nandos again, he always loses that thing"

That tweet had hundreds of retweets and favourites. I remembered back to the restaurant..the black card that Niall paid with and the weird outfits.. and Harry. The boy who i gave my number to. Scrolling through Liam's Twitpics I stopped at one that had him and 4 other boys standing on a stage, One looked like Niall and the other like.. Harry? He had the user Harry_Styles tagged, which means the Harry I met at the restaurant is Harry Styles. As soon as i viewed the next picture, everything made sense.They looked so familiar because they are the newly famous band that everyone is raving about. How could i be so clueless... these are the members of One Direction! They are famous. I basically stole a famous person's phone. I groaned and put my hands in my head dropping the phone onto my bed. For some reason- only heaven knows why- I was given Harry's phone. Not just any Harry, Harry Styles of One Direction.


Helloo. Hopefully you all like my story (: I enjoyed writing it even though this chappy is kind of boring :/ oh well it will get better! Thanks for the reads everyone! Enjoy that pic of Lou in the side bar... i don't know why but its so funny



Same Mistakes (One Direction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя