How to be a Heartbreaker {Hamilsquad x Player! Reader}

Start from the beginning

We'll get 'em falling for a stranger, a player, singing "I lo-lo-love you." Singing "I lo-lo-love you." (At least I think I do!)

They barely knew me. They loved me anyways. When I said "I love you", I knew they thought I actually meant it. If only they knew I didn't. They'd say it back, oblivious to my plans. Oblivious to me picking the next boy I'd move onto.

I had two boys down, two to go. Next was Hercules. I knew he'd be the most challenging one to get. Sure, he acted tough, but deep down he was caring, loving. Getting his trust would prove difficult, but once I unlocked his true nature, the playing field was open.

Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek...

I had to play my "innocent" game slightly more than usual to even start getting Hercules to trust me. Unlike the first two, he knew better. But after a few weeks of playing nice, like I really was done with my ways (that's what I constantly told him), he cracked. I put on fake excitement, joy, showing my love for him. I was excited and happy, yes, but not for the reasons he thought.

...but never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat.

With Hercules, I had to constantly keep up the loving nature. If I was off even slightly, I knew he'd catch on to me, and I wouldn't be able to get John. For Hercules appearing so tough, he was honestly one of the nicest, loving guys I'd seen. He was genuinely caring, outgoing. He loved doing things outdoors and even looking at all the different clothing stores. Definitely different than how I used to see him.

But of course, after a month, I was gone again. I saw the tough facade he put on again for his friends. He would stand tall for now, convincing them he was fine, but I knew the facade would crack eventually. He'd tell them everything.

Finally, I had Alexander, Lafayette, and Hercules down. Now was just John. A small part of me deep down felt a pang of guilt for playing with John. He was lovable, yet very rambunctious. He'd do anything for his friends. But I knew it had to be done.

Rule number four, gotta be looking pure...

I even did a bit of a style change for John. I tried for a more cute, kinda girly look. Mix that with my usual plan, and I had him in my grasp. I'm surprised he didn't take as long as Hercules. Maybe it was because Hercules had yet to crack. I hoped they wouldn't break at the same time.

...kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more-more.

John was certainly a fun person to be around. His happiness was certainly contagious. But he also had the charm, less than Lafayette, but he still loved flirting. We went on a decent amount of dates, some were in my dorm and the rest were out, but most of them were out. Seeing as John's roommate was Alexander, I knew that wouldn't end well, so we'd go to my dorm. When we went out, he'd walk me back to my dorm, and I'd kiss him goodbye, leaving him a tad upset at lack of... progression so to say. Same went for when he was leaving my dorm. I had a little too much fun teasing him.

But the time came. I left him, definitely feeling a sense of guilt. I managed to shake it off after awhile. After John told the guys what happened, Hercules also cracked. I really must've had an effect on them...

(imma just skip the chorus again and move onto the next verse)

Girls, we do, whatever it will take. Cuz girls don't want, we don't want our hearts to break, in two...

I won't lie, I was kinda afraid of getting attached to boys, especially when John came around. That's why I break up with boys usually after a month or two. Shame it's made me a reputation. Like most girls, I just don't exactly want a guy leaving me for some stupid reason. Heartbreak over nothing sounds stupid. Yet then again... that's almost what I did to my fellow college boys. Maybe I could pull off a change... it's better to be fake. Can't risk losing, in love again babe.

I had one actual boyfriend, in my junior year of high school. His name was (Ex/N) (ex's name). That lasted almost a year, and boy did I love it. But then he left me, saying I just wasn't good enough for him anymore. That's what led me to my Heartbreaker title. I don't know how I dragged myself into it, it's not my true self. But I'd rather not risk it all, just to lose it all again.

One day I'll explain. But I guess I'll still be the Heartbreaker for awhile... living with the guilt of breaking the hearts of my four newest victims... if only they knew I loved them more than they thought in the end.

How to be a heartbreaker. Boys they like a little danger. We'll get 'em falling for a stranger, a player, singing "I lo-lo-love you!"

Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you... at least I think I do!

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