Chapter 2

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Kuroko looked up from his books. Their history teacher was droning on and on about the great empires and Kagami-kun, who seemed to have absolutely no interest in them was snoring right in front of him. Ten minutes into the class and Kuroko was also starring to loose interest as he stared past the old teacher,letting his thoughts wander to another quite warm spring day.

Flash back to middle school

Basketball practice was rough. No, correction. Basketball practice with their devil of a captain. Ever since Kuroko made it to the first string Aomine had been pretty happy to do the drills with him. Though with Aomine's stamina he was a lot more likely to last much longer than Kuroko did before he would collapse. As Kuroko was done with the basics and was just about to think about sitting down for a bit, it must have crossed their captain's mind that they had not done any laps yet. Kuroko immediately dropped his balls and ducked behind the bleachers. Kuroko was not one to skip practices just because he was tired, but he was in no state to run 20 laps around the school gym especially because 'laps around the school gym' usually meant running 20 laps around the three different gyms and three different court s along with the main building. If he was going to escape he might as well do it now before Aomine-kun found him. He also needed to hide before he found him.

Kuroko crept up behind the bleacher, in which his lack of presence proved helpful and was finally making his way to the storage room, planning to hide there, when a voice called out to him.


That voice, the firm and sharp voice with a slight hint of amusement caused Kuroko to stop abruptly and he straightened, knowing that he had been caught, yet again, for the third time that week. In truth, he was pretty sure that he had never been able to truly fool Akashi Seijurou.


Akashi raised an eyebrow, his arms crossed, a clipboard in his left hand and a pen in the right.

"Yes, and where do you think you're going?"

Kuroko pursed his lip, he found Akashi-kun's alpha intimidating as much as he found it interesting but, he would never show that.

"I'm sure you know Akashi-kun."

Akashi-kun let out an amused smirk.

"Of course, it seemed that you haven't given up on your little breaks to freedom."

"I would appreciate it if Akashi-kun would just pretend that he didn't notice me."

Akashi's smirk grew.

"It's quite hard not to notice you Tetsuya."

"I think Akashi-kun is the only one who thinks that."

"Oh? I think that the fact that you have absolutely no scent and low presence makes you more eye catching."

Kuroko blinked.

"Excuse me?"

Akashi just smiled.

"I didn't believe that you were an omega until I read your files."

Kuroko's eye twitched, annoyed slightly.

"And with what right did you look up my files?"

"Oh, I am absolute and as you captain I have every right."

Kuroko sighed knowing that this part was not something he could reason with.

"And is it wrong that I'm an omega."

Akashi's smile grew wider.

"Not really. but it does bother me that you have scent. An omega give off their sickly sweet scents for alphas but with you... I cant smell anything."

Kuroko crossed his arms.

"I do have a scent."

Akashi raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just very good at keeping it in."

Kuroko could tell that Akashi wished to know more butm he was determined not to comply. At his determined face, Akashi stepped closer to him, backing him against the wall.

"You sure?"

Kuroko gritted his teeth as the scent of Akashi's alpha washed ioer him like a tidal wave making his knees wobble.

"I didn't know you were into sexual harassment Akashi-kun."

Akashi sniffed, possibly displeased that Kuroko was not yielding to him.

"I'm not. I'm just.... curious."

Kuroko stared into those mesmerizing red eyes as they stared back.

".........Why would you be?"

Akashi shrugged, but stepped even closer, almost pressing his body against Kuroko who had run out of space and was pressing himself against the wall.

Kurkoo only had the chance to hear the silent order.

Don't move

Before he felt Akashi's lips touch his and the string he had been holding on to broke.



Kagami-kun looked down at him."

"School's up! Time for practice!"

Kuroko stood up, of course....... now was not the time to linger in the past. He jogged after Kagami-kun after packing his bags.

Another chapter minna san!! Please vote and leave opinions!

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