Chapter 7 - The Things They Don't Know

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It was like any other school day, but it wasn't. That morning Keith was running a little late, he'd just barely entered the building as the class bell rang, reverberating throughout the school halls. What he didn't expect, however, was to be greeted by a commotion near the school entrance. A crowd had gathered near the stairs to the second floor. Students were chattering frantically, curious about the cause of the commotion as teachers attempted to ward them off instructing them to head to class. Soon the sound of sirens approached the school followed by paramedics rushing in with a stretcher. As the crowd of students finally began scattering Keith noticed two familiar faces, expressions ridden with panic and concern, emerge from the crowd. One was a girl with short, fluffy, light hazelnut hair and honey brown eyes framed by large, thin-rimmed, circular glasses and the other a male with similarly short, ear length, black-brown hair, nut brown eyes and a much larger build than his petite companion. The pale teen found himself instantly fear striken the moment he laid eyes on the two, surely enough, his fear was confirmed as the stretcher emerged carrying an unconscious lanky teen boy with tanned skin and slightly scruffy, short, chocolate brown hair.

In a panicked flurry the raven haired boy dashed over to his three friends.
"What happened?!" he interrogated the two who were running alongside the stretcher.
"I-I don't know! We were just heading to class! A-and h-he, he just! I-he-I don't know, he just passed out while we were going up the stairs! It was so sudden! W-we couldn't catch him, he fell!" the smaller of the two explained, she was visibly shaking, her companion wasn't any better, he looked as if he were in the brink of tears. As they approached the ambulance vehicle they were informed only one other could ride with Lance. Pidge decided it would be Keith stating that Allura was on her way.


Everything was a blur upon their arrival at the hospital, Keith didn't really understand the paradeics'conversation so he simply focused on staying by Lance's side until he was instructed otherwise. Keith had been sitting in the waiting room for a mere five minutes before Allura arrived, Pidge, Hunk, and an unfamiliar, tall, slender, light skinned man with slightly curly, slicked back, bright orange hair and an equally as bright orange moustache, trailing behind her. Allura, Pidge, and Hunk recognised the raven haired boy and ran towards him. Her features worry striken Allura queried the pale teen, "Any news yet?"
Keith shook his head, "Not yet"
Still anxious and uneasy, Pidge and Hunk took a seat alongside Keith whilst Allura paced and the unfamiliar man attempted to console her.

Another five minutes passed when a doctor finally emerged from the the direction they'd taken Lance. The doctor examined a clip board before calling out, "Lance Mcclain?"
Allura instantly strode over to the doctor, "How is he?" she questioned her anxiety apparent in her voice.
"Fortunately he didn't get a concussion. As for the fainting... We've called in his doctor to checkup on his condition. You can keep him company while we wait for his doctor to arrive." the doctor answered, the platinum haired woman released a sigh of relief to the words but a sense of nervousness remained.
"Thank you," Allura expressed before speed walking down the hall to the room number the doctor provided her, the rest of the group following closely behind.

Lance smiled brightly as the group barged into his room exclaiming in unison, "LANCE!"
"Hey guys!" he responded cheerfully, greeted by faces so relieved some of them looked as if they were in the verge of tears, scratch that, Hunk was crying. The big Teddy bear ran over to the skinny boy and smothered him in a warm bear hug, "I thought I was gonna lose you buddy!" Hunk cried, at this point he was bawling. The skinny boy in his arms patted his back and chuckled, joking, "I might actually die if you keep hugging me this tight."
Pidge, unlike her larger friend, walked over to the hospital bed in a composed manner. Leaning against the bed and crossing her arms she spoke as if she hadn't been worried at all, but her eyes were clearly red and a little watery, "Don't go scaring us like that again"
"Sorry for worrying you," Lance apologised, smiling sheepishly as he glanced over the lot of them.

Keith stood silently by the door, a faint relieved smile gracing his features as he watched over Lance and the others. He'd wanted to run over there and lock the lanky teen in a death grip of a hug so badly he felt butterflies in his arms and legs. That's what he wanted, but, he'd missed his chance. Besides, for a moment, when he'd thought he might lose Lance, he felt so lost and so helpless he didn't even know what he'd do anymore, what'd happen to him, if he'd really lost that charming, blue eyed boy. In that brief moment he felt as if his world might come crashing down on him and he'd genuinely felt so lost that seeing Lance now, happy and safe, filled him with so much relief his legs had honestly turned to mush and gave out on him. This, of course, he found quite embarrassing so he hid this fact by leaning against the wall. So he stayed in his position near the door.

He noticed an unusually large stack of what appears to be various medicinal drugs on a cart slightly obscured by the bed. A faint uneasiness filled his stomach but he decided to ignore it.

Forget-me-not (Klance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora