An Old Friend!

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(Preston's POV)

As Lachlan and Rob break the surface I can see that Lachlan looks tired and Rob kind of looks scared. When Lachlan reached where it starts getting shallow he almost falls exhausted but with wounds... I see Rob grab Lachlan quickly and start pulling him to the shore.

Neither one of us had spoke since Lachlan had jumped in to get Rob apparently Lachlan had to fight to save Rob jumping down I could hear Jerome and Mitch following and soon had passed me and grabbed Lachlan.

 Jerome picked Lachlan out of the water and took him to the shore while I grabbed Rob and pulled him into a hug, I could hear him whimpering I kept listening and all he said was "...dragons..." I embraced him harder feeling sorry for him and that he had to go through that.

I was the only one who he had told that he was afraid of drowning. I looked over at Lachlan and infront of him by the trees on the other side of the clearing was another person with a sword that was glowing green at his waist.

Grabbing my bow off of my back I got a arrow ready and aimed it at him but I noticed something my bow was glowing red just like how it did when I had met Mitch, Lachlan, Rob, and Jerome, and now this person.

"Who are you!" I yelled clearly to the guy I made sure to stand protectively instead of challenging, "I am Vikk also why is your bow glowing?" I smiled warmly at him knowing who he is. "Happy to see my old childhood friend here!" I say excitedly.

I could tell that the others were confused, by my friendliness towards Vikk, I smirked at Vikk's confusion "Weird that you don't remember me Runner" I say the last part and Vikk's face lit up with recognition, "Wait Preston?" Looking at Vikk I could tell that I had a smile on my face.

"The one and only!" I say in a excited but confident way, "Who is he Preston?" I look back to see that Rob had moved closer to Jerome, Mitch, and Lachlan. "He is a old friend of mine Rob." I smile to let him know that Vikk is good to trust.

"Hey Vikk I though you stayed back with the- you know." I look confidently at Vikk knowing what I might be getting myself into, "Oh they kicked me out...." I saw Vikk look down at saying that, "You can stay with us." I say while staring at his sword which was still glowing green.

"We will not let this go that easy!" I look behind me to see Jerome, Mitch, and Rob tied up. 'Rob...' I thought as anger started to surge through me as I see a female and a older male standing infront of me. "Let. Them. Go." I say steadily and slowly.

I could tell that they seemed amused "And what are you going to do about it" I smirked as the older male said that and I could tell that Vikk had turned into husky considering that he was a dog shapeshifter. "I can do a lot more than you think."

I look over to see Lachlan waking up to see what is going on and start going towards Jerome, Mitch, and Rob. I turn around to to whisper to Vikk "Help Lachlan free the others I will handle them both." I saw him nod and I turn back to the Male and the young female.

Challenging them I quickly turn into a red Panther "Come at me if you dare!" I say challenging unsheathing my claws I get ready thinking out my plan for a distraction but only one thing was on my mind 'to keep them away from the others.'

"Fine Hannah get him!" I bare my teeth at his foolishness "Yes father!" Hannah says as she comes at me with a sword jumping to the side I claw at her clothes making three cut marks. Growling with my back to the male wanting him to try to take the advantage.

Hannah comes at me with her sword but this time slicing at a angle so I jump to the side but ended up with a cut on my shoulder, "Hannah you are doing good!" I kept my focus on Hannah as the male said that 'man this girl must have tooken training.' I thought 

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