“Lucas, tell the guard at the end of the hallway to get the family doctor,” Ram said.

“Okay,” Lucas said and left the room, running.

“Jon, go and get a bowl of water, quickly,” Daniel said.

Jon ran from the room. After a while Jon came back in, he was carrying a bowl of cold water, he quickly walked towards Daniel and gave it to him.

“Jon, get a towel,” he said and then he walked to Tashi. “Wash your hands out, Princess,” Daniel said kindly. Tashi dipped her hands into the bowl and saw the water turn scarlet. Jon gave her the towel and she dried her hands quickly.

“Thank you,” Tashi said and managed to smile weakly.

Lucas ran into the room. “Ram, bad news. Your family doctor isn’t here today and it’s going to take any doctor at least three hours to get here because there’s something wrong at the Thompson Bridge,” he said.

“Great,” Ram said sarcastically.

“Jon? Aren’t you training to become a doctor? Can’t you help her?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah, but I’ve only practiced wounds like this once. I might get it wrong,” Jon said uncertainly, looking at Tashi.

“You’re the best we have, Jon. Please?” Ram said encouragingly.

“But... if I get it wrong, she could... she could... she could die,” Jon said quietly.

“Jon?” Tashi said weakly. “I believe in you.” Tashi smiled at him and then winced.

“Okay,” Jon said, smiling slightly. “I don’t have any equipment, but I’ll try.” Tashi saw him move and sit on the edge of the bed. He put his hands delicately on Tashi’s stomach and felt around, pushing parts of her stomach to see which parts she reacted to. “The glass hasn’t punctured anything major; it’s grazed the outside layer of veins on her stomach, that’s where all the blood is coming from. She should be alright as long as she can still breathe and nothing happens to her heart. She can’t fall asleep otherwise she could go into a coma or even die because of the pain. We have to make sure she doesn’t fall asleep, she might not be able to help falling asleep, but we have to keep her awake at all costs.” Jon said professionally.

“Okay. What do we do about the glass?” Lucas asked.

“Oh. The glass has to come out and then the cut has to be stitched together straight after. It has to come out soon. I could do it but like I said I don’t have any equipment.” Jon said again.

“Can’t you do anything?” Tashi asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“I could improvise by trying to use similar equipment, but that could be dangerous and more painful,” Jon answered.

“Do it,” Tashi said. “Improvise. Do whatever you need to and do it quickly. Please?” Tashi begged.

“Okay. Daniel, get a needle and thread and Lucas, get a candle and matches,” Jon ordered his friends. They both ran off and Jon turned to Tashi again, who winced.

“Oh, I forgot. Ram can you go to the kitchen and get ginger, basil, squeezed orange juice, two apples, a glass of water, a pestle and mortar, and honey,” Jon said smiling.

“I will never be able to remember all of that,” Ram said in disbelief.

“You’re gonna have to or Tashi’s pain won’t stop,” Jon said smiling.

“Oh, okay. I’ll try,” Ram said and ran out of the room.

After a while Daniel and Lucas came back with the supplies that Jon needed.

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