At first he looks surprised by the fact that i've finally agreed to open up, but he quickly hides that emotion, and leads me into the living room, seating us both on the couch.

It's silent for a minute, neither of us knowing where to even start.

"Go ahead, whenever you're ready."

I clear my throat. "He, Logan..." I immediately feel disgusted just thinking about him. "H-He let his friends hurt me, everyday. He said they had a lot of anger they needed to let out. Anger from y-you." I look down to avoid his eyes. "Logan hurt me too. B-But he didn't only hit me. He..." Tears roll down my cheeks, but I don't realize this until Mason wipes them away, before he pulls me into his chest for comfort.

"It's okay, take your time." He kisses the top of my head, letting his lips linger in the same spot.

My crying increases, to the point where i'm practically sobbing, as everything comes back to me. His words, the feeling of his hands. "I-I can't say it."

His arms tighten around me and he starts to gently rock us back and forth. "You're okay now, Lils. Logan isn't here to hurt you anymore. He's gone."

At his words, I lean back to stare up at him unsurely. "He's...dead?"

Mason looks reluctant, but eventually he nods. "Yes angel, he's dead."

Hearing him say that brings me relief, as horrible as it sounds. I know it's wrong to wish death upon somebody, but I don't know how i'd live if he wasn't permanently gone. I'd be too scared to do anything. I don't think I could go anywhere alone.

"I-Is it wrong that i'm glad he's dead, Masey? Does that make me a bad person?" I pull away to look up at him.

He immediately shakes his head, cupping my face in his hands. "No baby, you could never be a bad person, even if you tried." A small smile appears on his face. "Your feelings are completely justified, okay? He did horrible things to you, and wanting him gone is understandable."

I trust that what he's telling me is true, and that i'm not horrible for being relieved that he's dead.

"Okay." I whisper, before biting my lip.

"Why don't we finish talking about this later? We can go upstairs and cuddle. I'll let you pick out whatever movie you want. Sound good?"

"Yes. That sounds good." For the first time in a while, a genuine smile appears on my face.


"But I-I don't want to." I wrap my arms securely around my body for some source of comfort.

Mason sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair. "I know you don't, baby, but the principal said-" I cut off his frustrated voice with my own.

"I don't care! I'm not going back yet!"

When he reaches out to grab me, I quickly step back, out of his reach.

Mason's expression becomes stern, and he stands up from his spot on the couch. "Lily, you're going to school tomorrow and that's final. If it were my choice, you know I wouldn't make you go."

I probably sound like a spoiled brat right now, but I have a good excuse. I don't want to go to school, because i'm too terrified to face everybody. Mason told me they all know why I was gone for so long.

Which is why i'm perfectly content staying here at home. With Mason.

Not to mention how scary most of the guys at school are. Especially the football players. What if they try to hurt me, just like Logan did? They're all so much bigger than me, and i'd have no chance-

Tears form in my eyes and I shake my head, getting rid of the thoughts entering my mind. "No." I whimper.

His eyes immediately soften at the petrified look on my face, and he steps closer, to where he's inches away. "Princess, i'll be right next to you practically the whole day, and in first period you'll have Carter. She misses you a lot, you know." He tells me as he brings his hands up to cup my face. "Nobody is gonna hurt you anymore Lily, I won't let them."

I look away, forcing his hands to slip from my face. After a few seconds of silence, I quietly tell him, "I wanna see momma."

Mason's jaw ticks and he sighs out of frustration, but thankfully he nods. He grabs a coat for the both of us, since winter is approaching, which means it's only getting colder and colder.

I pull his hoodie over my head and reluctantly grab his outstretched hand when he raises an eyebrow.

The car ride there was silent. Except for when Mason tried talking to me, but I just stayed quiet. That only frustrated him even more.

I step out of the car and make my way up to the front door, not bothering to wait for Mason. My parents said I don't have to knock since it's technically still my house. Right as i'm about to push it open, two warm, muscular arms wrap around my waist. I try tugging myself out of his hold, but his grip is too strong.

I give up on my attempt at escaping and pout.

"Please don't be upset with me Lils, I can't stand it when you're mad at me." He says pleadingly, turning me around to face him. "You know i'm always on your side, but there's nothing we can do about this." He adds, slipping his hands into my back pockets.

His expression makes me feel bed.

He looks like he's torn between doing what's best for me, and doing what I want.

I make a sudden decision to stand on my tippy toes and place my lips on his. He bends down a little to reach me better and pulls me closer, immediately kissing back. I wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss.

It's lasts longer than expected, but when we finally pull away, Mason looks slightly shocked.

I blush at his expression. "I-I'm not upset with you anymore, Masey." I bite my bottom lip, hesitant with my next decision. "I'll go to school on-on Monday."

I'll have to go back eventually, right? Maybe I should just get it over with.

His eyes flood with relief at my compliance, and he grabs each side of my face before kissing the top of my head. "Thank you, baby."

The Light To His DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now