Chapter 1

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Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was confused. Really confused. When she talked to Gilbert Blythe after the wedding, she felt like she could tell him anything. This scared her. This was Gilbert Blythe she was talking about. The boy who pulled her hair and called her carrots. Her competition in school. But he was also the Gilbert Blythe that helped save Miss Stacy, save her from the rotten Billy Andrews, and was just a friend towards her. So that must be why her heart quickens whenever she's around him. He's just a nice friend, is all.

Anne sighed, pulling on her coat and setting her hat on top of her head. She grabbed her books from where she left them and opened the door to be met with the cold Avonlea air. 

"Bye, Marilla!" she called, excited to see Diana. She raced down the dirt path and opened the gate, wanting to see her darling Diana as soon as possible.

When she could see the dark curls of her best friend bouncing as her head turned side to side looking for her, she smiled and quickened her pace.

"Diana!" Anne smiled.

"Oh, Anne!" She returned Anne's toothy smile and wrapped her red-headed friend in a big bear hug.

"It's extremely nice to see you, Diana! Oh, I've missed you so!"

"I've missed you, too, Anne! It's exciting to go to school after we've saved Miss Stacy. Don't you think?" Diana questioned.

Anne looked at her bosom friend and nodded quickly. She was definitely happy Miss Stacy was safe and sound in the schoolhouse, but she realized who else was also in the schoolhouse. 

Gilbert Blythe.

"School is very fun. Especially since -," Anne started before hearing Diana's voice over hers.

"Gilbert Blythe's there?" Diana laughed as Anne glared.

"I was going to say since Miss Stacy is there. That is not funny, Diana. I've told you before. I'm not a Gilbert Blythe fan."

"Well, it seems you are both friends now." Diana nodded her head slowly as she spoke her words carefully, not wanting to have another outburst from Anne.

"Yes! Exactly. Friends. We are just friends. Ruby would not be happy if we were anything more."

Diana rolled her eyes and smiled as she and Anne rounded the large trees to the schoolhouse. The two girls walked to the slow-moving stream and set their milks carefully along the current. They smiled at each other and linked arms, walking into the schoolhouse. After they both removed their hats and coats, they walked towards their seats.

"Anne! Diana!" A small voice shouted.

Anne whipped her head around towards the noise to be met with the doe-eyed Ruby happily skipping towards them.

"Hello Ruby!" Diana smiled as she wrapped her friend in a hug. Anne also hugged her small blonde friend and grinned at her.

"Ruby, I'm glad to see you!" Anne spoke.

Ruby smiled and glanced at the front of the class, looking dreamily at Gilbert Blythe.

"Doesn't Gilbert look so handsome when studies?" Ruby sighed.

Diana laughed and Anne just rolled her eyes. She didn't get why Ruby was so obsessed with Gilbert. As Ruby swooned, Gilbert looked up from his book just to see the three girls standing a few feet away from him.

"Hello, Anne. Diana, Ruby," he smiled as he walked towards them, keeping his book next to him.

"Hello Pilper-um, I mean Gilbert," Ruby cleared her throat. Gilbert smiled at her and Ruby immediately swooned. 

Diana looked at Ruby and slapped her shoulder lightly to snap her out of her trance. Gilbert walked over to Anne and nodded at her.

"Gilbert," Anne said, keeping her chin up high as she spoke. She had to let whatever she was feeling go, and that meant not letting Gilbert Blythe get to her any longer. 

"Anne -," he started before she swiftly turned around and walked to her desk leaving Gilbert confused behind her. He looked at Diana and Ruby trying to get answers as to why Anne was being so weird.

"She's fine," Diana laughed nervously as she shuffled over to Anne, pulling a still entranced Ruby next to her. Gilbert clenched his jaw and raised a brow. Had he said something wrong? He replayed their conversation from after the wedding in his head until Miss Stacy started class. She had all students gather in a circle around her as she explained photosynthesis and their lesson on plant biology. Anne listened, but couldn't help but notice how Gilbert would keep staring at her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. For some reason, she didn't like not talking to Gilbert. She wanted to keep on talking to him until she couldn't talk anymore. She felt her heart beat and the heat rise to her cheeks. Anne got nervous and shifted on her feet, not wanting to feel this way. She pat her cheeks lightly, but couldn't get the heat to stop from making its way towards her cheeks. 

"Ugh!" she said out loud. It was so annoying to her. She can't like Gilbert Blythe, she just can't! Silence made its way around the classroom as everyone looked at her. She worriedly glanced around the room, until her and Gilbert met eyes. She quickly fluttered her eyelids and turned away from him. Was she sick? Yeah, it was probably illness.

"Are you alright, Anne?" Miss Stacy asked as Diana turned to look at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Anne put a hand to her forehead and looked up at Miss Stacy.

"I-I'm not feeling well. I should probably go," she said as she met eyes with Gilbert once more, before walking to grab her things and leaving the schoolhouse.

A/N: okayyy so this is my first long length shirbert story (with help from my amazing readers from my Anne With an E Oneshots story who suggested I write this book) and I really hope you guys liked chapter 1! I'm really excited to write more and I promise there will be more drama and romance coming soon in this book! 



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