18~ the kidnappers

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"Me and harvey we're going to our first lesson when these 2 girls approached us. I vaguely recognised them from our meet up last year. They told us they were new to the school and asked to be friends. We agreed and they asked us to meet up after school. This is what happened after school"
MAX: so what are your names?
GIRL: I'm Zoey and this is Peyton
HARVEY: nice to meet you
PEYTON: you too
ZOEY: do you want to come to our house?
MAX: umm...
HARVEY: sure

"I didn't really want to because I don't want these girls flirting with me when I have a girlfriend but sadly Harvey wanted to. When we got to their house they started acting really weird"

ZOEY: you guys aren't allowed your phones btw. Our parents don't like them
PEYTON: also you can't make any noise until we get into the basement
HARVEY: okay....

"They told us to give them our phones to lock them in the safe so we did. As soon as we handed them over I knew we made a big mistake. We went to the basement and then they locked us in. There was a note on the door"

"Dear max and Harvey.
We are big fans of you guys and we saw you on holiday in America. We saw you with girls which broke our hearts. So we are punishing you. You will have to live off the rations we gave you until you can find a way out.
From, Zoey and Peyton"


"When I woke up I received a message from Max's number. But it wasn't max"

"Hi there. I see by the contact name that max gave you that you are his girlfriend. I cannot accept that. Which is why I kidnapped him. Just so you can't have him anymore. You don't deserve him. And don't think you can go to the police about this cuz they won't be able to find the twins. I'm watching you.
Lotta Love from Zoey and Peyton"

"I was shocked. I quickly called Sara and told her about the message. She said she would call the police and that I needed to go to her house so I went there and the police were there"

POLICE: can I see the message please
Y/N: yes (shows message)
POLICE: we will be able to track where these girls are but we won't be able to find the boys sadly. Of corse we are trying our best.
SARA: we understand. I just can't believe it
POLICE: you will need to come to the police station with this phone so we can track the message you can come now.
SARA: ok

"I got into Sara's car and we went to the police station and gave them the phone. We sat in the waiting area then the police came out"

POLICE: we have good news and bad news
SARA: ok
POLICE: the good news is we found where the kidnappers are
SARA: that's good
POLICE: but the bad thing is their parents are criminals who are in this prison. This means they will have a lot of experience with this sort of stuff which makes your children in much more danger. We are going to go to the place where this text was sent from right now. We would let you come but we could be putting you in danger
SARA: ok
POLICE: well report back ASAP
SARA: thank you so much
POLICE: here's the phone back
Y/N: thank you


"Me and my colleague went to the venue. It was a normal house. We knocked on the door and a woman answered it"

WOMAN: hello?
POLICE 1: hi there. We have a kidnapping case and a text message was sent from this location. Do you know anything about it? The names are Zoey and Peyton Johnson.
WOMAN: well I just moved into this house so you can check but i haven't heard anything. I do know the girls who lived here previously were part of the Johnson family tho.
POLICE 2: ok. Do you mind if we look around
WOMAN: not at all. There isn't anything in here at the moment as I just moved in and I haven't got my furniture yet

"We looked around and we couldn't see anything. All of a sudden we heard shouting from below us"

POLICE 2: sounds like boys
POLICE 1: is there a basement here?
WOMAN: yes. I haven't been in it yet

"We went down to the door of the basement. when we opened the door we were shocked to see no one was there and there was a hole in the wall..."

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