8~ date with max

27 0 0

LUKE: y/n!!
Y/N: omg I can't believe it, I haven't seen you for ages!

"Luke has been my best friend since as long as I can remember. He's always stayed by me and I'm so grateful for him. But he moved away last year and I haven't seen him since. Then I moved but idk how he knows where I am"

Y/N: omg how did you find me?!
LUKE: I rang up your mum she told me where you guys are
Y/N: wow I'm speechless!
LUKE: look, I know you're probably busy so I should go but I'll come round to see you later?
Y/N: sure I'd love to catch up!
LUKE: great! Goodbye!
Y/N: bye!

"I was shocked! Right after he left max came."

MAX: hey!
Y/N: hey
MAX: you ready?
Y/N: yup

"He lead me to the park. We sat down on a hill looking at the perfect sunset. Max had his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. We chatted for a while and then max stood up"

MAX: come on!

"I stood up"

Y/N: where are we going?
MAX: you'll see

"We walked hand in hand to (insert name of a fancy restaurant 😂) and we got seated in a booth"

Y/N: you didn't have to take me here you know
MAX: I really did y/n

"We ordered food and ate whilst talking about stuff"

Y/N: thank you for taking me out max. I really appreciate it
MAX: no problem, anything for you y/n
Y/N: *blushes*
MAX: you're cute when you blush
Y/N: *blushes harder*
MAX: *laughs*

"We walked out and he walked me to my house."

MAX: thank you for coming with me tonight
Y/N: your welcome

"Max stood in front of me and held my hands"

MAX: I really like you y/n
Y/N: I really like you too
MAX: I was hoping you'd share this moment with me?

"He leant in and kissed me. I was filled with shock, happiness, excitement and joy. Sparks flew and I was in utter dreamland. It was amazing"

MAX: good bye!
Y/N: see you

"I walked inside and shut the door. Wow"

Best friends?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu